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Everything posted by eastsider

  1. gtpnls1, yea endos, wheelies and power wheelies do not count lol, shit like that bro fun stuff, i figured there would be some stunt people on this forum but guess not, not to manny in C- Bus like there is up north. squid lol ,atleast someone knows a bike term on this site squid = dont wanna mess up my plastics or paint on a stock bike, rocks power wheelies, gets off bike without kickstand down, wears sandals to ride lol nice stealth by the way man, shit looks clean
  2. wow m1114 negative feedback for asking if you stunt that gsxr you have lol, 03 gsxr dont want to mess up that paint job or scratch some plastics huh lol ,wow all i can say
  3. i guess its a fail because i am getting a civic lol lame but whatever works for you guys
  4. go for it, it wont hurt my feelings, im sure i can find another civic on craigslist if u buy it:D. gas grass or ass you got that logo on a BS shirt? rice lol yep not the 900rr tho if you want to test that out, even with the stunt sprocket
  5. wonderboys. probly a stock maxima in 1/4 donno tho never race with it
  6. dont have the car yet which i clearly stated in the first post, those are the only pics i have seen of it. its the one im looking into getting..... eventualy ^ i guess, figured this was a car forum and i wasnt going to put my stunt bike as my ride in a car forum. didnt know i had to get pre approved to join the site and learn about imports and what not here in C Bus lol. ill take that car on with my 125cc Dirt bike lol
  7. haha the craigslist stunter in Cali, YUH UGH
  8. im in blacklick, gahanna, the burg, and whitehall everyday, not in the civic tho on a black 900rr. M1114 let me know if u ever want to stunt it or hit up bike night.
  9. m1114 you stunt that gsxr?
  10. haha yep burned 4 that typo lol. nice dune buggy
  11. i figured it would lol hopefully thers some nas stickers on the back as well
  12. these are the only pics i have seen of the car so far http://i428.photobucket.com/albums/qq4/eastsider111/civic1.jpg http://i428.photobucket.com/albums/qq4/eastsider111/civic.jpg http://i428.photobucket.com/albums/qq4/eastsider111/civic1-1.jpg
  13. broke subframe on f4i, traded it for a 99 900rr stunt piece with 905 cage,12 bar, ebay clip ons, shorty pipe, 54 tooth rear sprocket, working on a rear hand brake, and about 500zip ties lol, as far as the gtp trans went out thought it was the linkage but wasnt, didnt have the money to fix it now its gone, so i found a civic hb for sale and im gonna try to get that, i go to college at C state so funds are low lol. when i get the civic il get some pics for you guys. its a ls b18b1
  14. im Josh from Columbus, looking into getting a 92 hb civic with a b18swap, not new to the columbus meets, but havnt been to one in about two years now, used to come out with a f4i and a pontiac GTP, switched up the style for a bit and got into stunt rideing then i found this site so i figured id join and see whats up now days localy. no meets where they used to be anymore so hopefully i can find some now and get back into this shit. Later
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