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Status Updates posted by Squidward

  1. did you post on pauls thing that your coming up here?
  2. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/cto/1304547253.html


    got an opinion? maybe looking at it in the next few days

  3. Midlife crissis already?
  4. In my defense i leave it up on my laptop. And im still not as bad as ginger
  5. Only gays run evo8 ecu's
  6. My job sucks, not april fools.
  7. I think were gayer than richard simons then
  8. You heard of my new ride, correct?
  9. Get the fuck off my internet
  10. Im in gov.





  11. You would think theyd care a little what im doing on the world wide interwebz but Ms walpole was laughing
  12. gayaudisaregay.jpg
  13. Hey do you have a hook up on motors? mine may or may not be trash right now and im looking for a 22rte to replace it.
  14. Yup, didnt remember if i told you or not. Im now gay for subarus
  15. http://www.sfwchan.com/pics/21534095.jpg
  16. Took me a minute to realize it was you lol
  17. depends on if i get it done, colt or z whatever is running
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