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Everything posted by Shawn89

  1. Haha how do you know? I guess if it don't come off skin it don't come off the bottom of your truck lol.
  2. That's not bad. Maybe once I get everything together frame wise ill get some and cover the wole underside of the truck. anyone have a set of 3" or4" lift blocks and ubolts laying around they wanna sell? If I'm gonna lift it now would be the best time.
  3. Haha, yeah the camera is my gfs lol. I don't have a charger for mine. Pm me your number if you can and ill get ahold of you tomorow and come get it.
  4. Sweet. Can you send me a pic of what you got? Either in pm or on my sell 614-316-3523. Whatever works for you.
  5. That's right. I need a few pieces of 8th inch at least plate steel for a frame restoration project I'm doing. If you have any pm me and ill get back with you asap I need some by Thursday. Thank you much and have an awsome day.
  6. Ok. ive got my new crossbar welded in and just about all the rust I can get cleand off. So far Im meeting my deadline but Ive still got to locate some 1/8th inch steel to patch a few holes. :bangbang: And now what you all have been waiting for.....PICS! after pulling it in the garage http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g255/thrilz4u89/toyota%20restoration/DSCN0100.jpg http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g255/thrilz4u89/toyota%20restoration/DSCN0101.jpg cross bar cut out http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g255/thrilz4u89/DSCN0103.jpg http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g255/thrilz4u89/DSCN0104.jpg new cross bar in http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g255/thrilz4u89/DSCN0108.jpg http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g255/thrilz4u89/DSCN0107.jpg http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g255/thrilz4u89/toyota%20restoration/DSCN0110.jpg my welds aint great but they hold damnit! http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g255/thrilz4u89/DSCN0111.jpg http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g255/thrilz4u89/DSCN0112.jpg rust i need to patch http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g255/thrilz4u89/DSCN0115.jpg http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g255/thrilz4u89/toyota%20restoration/DSCN0114.jpg http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g255/thrilz4u89/toyota%20restoration/DSCN0113.jpg ME LOOKING LIKE A COAL MINER!!!!!! http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g255/thrilz4u89/DSCN0120.jpg You dig the country boy shirt?? Ill get more pics tomorow. and ill get one of the truck im working on.
  7. that stuff looks like it would be great, but I'm on a really tight budget and deadline.
  8. Yes. I have a few cans of permitex rust repair, which is suposed to turn the rust into primer. then I want to spray it with some stuff I got from napa that is either por15 or has it in it. After that I want to spray the piss out of it with undercoating. I've never done anything like this on this scale so I'm just repairing it how I think it should be done.
  9. So after having my 90 toyota 4x4 pickup for a while I have decided hat its time to fix the frame rust. Everything on the passenger side from the back of the cab is really rotted, to the point of the front leaf srping mount has broke off and I can't put a shock on that side. So I picked up a rear section from about mid cab back. I got it in the garage today and started pluging away. I've got most of the old surface rust cleaned off, andcut out the round crossmember that was rusted pretty bad. This is a 7 day project that has to be done by Sunday night. Tomorow I will get the rest of the rust cleand up and crossmember welded in, so I can POR15 the whole thing wensday. I will post pics as soon as I can get near a real computer, seeming how my phone will not upload pics. Thank you for reading and have a good evening.
  10. I'm trying to think of a way to avoid doing a solid axle swap. Really the only thing I can come up with is to remove the cab and cut out the stock trans tunnel. Then maybe I can make mounts so the oil pan will clear the axle housing. But I would probably need a 4 or 5in hood scoop lol. There's really no way to tell whatsg gonna have to be done until I go for it lol. Aznyone know of a local junkyard that has gruman trucks or anything with the 4bt in it?
  11. From what your saying it sounds really easy. From what I'm gethering there is a clearence issue between the oil pan of the 4bt and the front axle so I would need about 4" of lift only thing that stops that is my truck is an ifs truck.
  12. Is the guy on any website that you know of? Id like to see his swap.
  13. I have seen a lot and I meen a lot of ford rangers with the 4bt.
  14. I have looked into the 4btswaps websight but I didn't find to much on what I was looking for. I don't want to get way over my head, but I love cummins engines and it seems to be a commen swap with jeeps and toyota fj's. I was praying there was a few 4x4 guys on here that have done the swap lol
  15. So I've been reading about the engine(4bt cummins) and I've seen a 91 4x4 with one in it on youtube. I've been looking and looking and I can't seem to find any info on how to swap it into my truck. My question is has anyone done this swap or know someone that has?
  16. I haven't checked the fuel pressure yet but ill try and to that today. I made new plug wires from a new set I had laying around, I've done that before and it worked fine. I checked the power resistor on the maf and it showed 1.1ohms. Ill get a new set of plugs and see if that helps.
  17. If someone can help me figure out what's wrong with this car I will bring it to you! Lol. I cleaned the maf last night and that didn't help a damn thing. I'm running out of ideas and money!
  18. Ill take it tonight lol
  19. Well I dumped a whole can of seafoam in the gas tank to clean the fuel system out . I drove to zanzsville and back and that didn't solve anything. Getting a maf tomorow.
  20. its non turbo ;} lol. I can plug to 2 holes on the top of the maf and it makes it idle up and down really fast but the sputtering kinda settles.
  21. I have not done a compression test yet, I have to go buy a gauge. Just2sweet- I like where your going with that equation...and I appreciate your bringing it up, though I've done thought of that option myself. Lol.
  22. I have not done a compression test yet, I have to go buy a gauge. Just2sweet- I like where your going with that equation...and I appreciate your bringing it up, though I've done thought of that option myself. Lol.
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