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About save_HUTCH

  • Birthday 10/04/1990

Profile Information

  • Name
  • Location
    El Paso
  • Vehicles(s)
    08 Focus 94 Shadow

save_HUTCH's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Haha well about that. Thy just opened up a 2 story one thats really nice. Only been there once but its a good place to chill with your buds and let off some steam.
  2. Darn. Well I need to save up a little more first.
  3. Yea I want to save money for when I get either a Termi Cobra or 2011 Stang GT
  4. Wow, something must have been wrong. That 14's is with slicks tho and an LSD. I just wanna keep it as a DD for when I get the real play car.
  5. Yes it is slow now. Ran a ahem 17.899 at 74 MPH. Haha. But with a TII swap, stock it would run 14's with 9 psi.
  6. Well the Shadow is a 5-speed A-523 car. The plan to turbo them is just kind of a plan B type thing. I would really love to get a Terminator Cobra or a Fox mustang with a 351. But I could still get the Mustang and keep the Shadow as my DD.
  7. Im in TX because I am stationed here. I go where the Army wants me to go.
  8. Yup I got ma a new buddy!!! YEA!!!!
  9. ok. I need to clear my schedule then
  10. Ok. Good luck getting in here to find me.
  11. It means I can tie you up. haha
  12. Well I only have no-strings attached relationships.
  13. http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l118/r2kool4u/0831091052.jpg http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l118/r2kool4u/0318091800a.jpg http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l118/r2kool4u/Focus1.jpg http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l118/r2kool4u/0413001301.jpg
  14. Why's that? Haha. Cause I have an old crappy Dodge or a Crappy Base Model Focus?
  15. Hello my name is Greg. I was told of this site by a couple of my friends. I currently drive a 1994 Dodge Shadow and a 2008 Ford Focus. Both of them are going to be getting turbo'd at some point and the Shadow is getting a TII swap. Well thats about it for now. Hope to see ya'll around the site.
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