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Posts posted by bodybuilding88

  1. LOL


    Do you take the Jay Cutler stack too? You relize the level of drugs used at Jay's stage vs. some random gym rat. IFBB pro's DO NOT have to train heavy in order to increase muscle density. If you train just to inflate you will be a balloon. Every single top tier body builder has some background as a powelifter. It is just virtually impossible not too.


    Let me ask you a question... What does high reps do for you naturally? I'll be waiting.


    oh yeah bro I use muscle tech creatine and take my gnc vitamins daily so ill be big like Arnold. When I get my pro card I may even throw in some amino acids so I get really jacked :nono: I never said do all high reps. Trying to max out constantly is a sure way to get injured and ive seen way to many high schoolers/new lifters try to max out every week and get hurt.

  2. It is called being a man, and not a boy. Don't want to be some poser who acts like he is all tuff and strong versus being someone who can do actual work and can achieve things other posers can't




    I call that a poser. who cares that you "look like" you are strong but aren't a girl can out lift you. what a joke.

    And who says all powerlifters have a gut, I don't and a lot of others are ripped.

    If you know what you are doing you get past any injury or problems.

    Last saturday I was unfortunate and tore my hamstring after my 570 raw squat, but still managed to deadlift 600lbs raw after that. It will heal hopefully in a few weeks.

    so kiss my



    It will heal hopefully? And if it doesn't you just fucked your legs up for life for what cause? To say you squatted 570? Awesome. Look at Jay Cutler, he has said several times he hardly goes over 315/405 on squats. Looks like it works well for him.


    Not pissing on your style of lifting everyone prefers something different so no need to bash my style just because you want to get your rocks off by bragging about how much you can lift.

  3. I think it's funny that people have a goal of being muscular and having a byproduct of being strong is secondary. I see a lot of dudes at the gym who are toned/defined that can't put up jack shit. Why you lift bro?


    I would rather look like i can bench 500lbs and have abs instead of being able to actually rep 500lbs and have a powerlifter build with the gut and all, not to mention by the time you're 40 having major elbow/shoulder problems just because you wanted to pat your ego and put that extra plate on the bench press.

  4. i hate you :p


    but me to, just picked up a spyder rs, put the tadao musashi 7 board, cp blade trigger and new feed neck on.


    Sounds like a solid setup. I've always loved my ego's and shockers. I want one of the new ego's but not about to drop 1400 on a marker lol.

  5. To packed to even enjoy it really. Always enjoy seeing the greats of bodybuilding though, and some of the freaks there like this old giant. I'm 6'2 so this is on tall old bitch. Still not convinced this wasn't maybe a dude in her past life..



  6. Panzy lol. If thats how your playing it, your doing it all wrong lol. Ill play ya 1 on 1, what do say?


    If anyone is interested, the next big game is may 5th


    Ill be at it. Hope to go to that indoor field in Akron as soon as I get a marker to get warmed up.

  7. I use to play recreationally and in tournaments 8 or so years ago and wanted to get back into it and wondered if anyone on here goes to splatterpark or plays on a competitive team. Just trying to get hooked up with some people that play. Me and my roommate are both getting markers again and hope to play a decent amount this summer.
  8. Had a friend go that route and I remember him bitching about the price. like 800 for the first month with all the bloodwork and tests and then 3-400 a month after that plus occasional bloodwork and EKGs.
  9. I did a lot of reading and test driving when I bought mine. I ended up with an 06 LBZ duramax. The Allison was a huge draw for me. The durmax engine is a great engine but backing it with the Allison was pure genius on GM's part because it's by far the best tranny out of the big 3 as far as durability. The 06's also had fewer issues with injectors and things like that although there are still some common issues with them as there is with pretty much every truck ever made. I would say do your reading, take some test drives, and buy whatever suits your needs. What kind of weight are you looking at towing? Keep in mind the drw is gonna be a pain in the ass to drive around town on a daily basis and you can add several hundred dollars to every tire purchase. Unless you have to have it I would go srw. I know mine yanks my 10k 5th wheel camper around like it's nothing.


    It will be around 18-20k so drw is only option really. And the Allison is the whole reason im even considering a dirtymax to be honest.

  10. If you werent impressed with the GM interior then you'll gouge your eyes out when you see the dodge interior.


    Haha great. But to be honest this truck will be used for work most of the time and what is most important is the reliability/longevity, how easy it is to work on myself, and cost of repairs since ill be putting a lot of miles on it. I really don't care if the interior isn't that great. Interior Is probably last on my list.

  11. To the OP, this is a topic which is horrible to ask on a forum such as this. The Cummins vs. PowerStroke vs. Duramax debate will go on forever. There will always be examples of which one is better than the other, and why. The majority of the replies will come from people who have had very little, or even no experience at all with either. They nut swing from the ignorant opinion of their friends who usually do the same thing. That being said...


    Cummins > All.


    Im seeing that now. That mainly why I asked for people with experience in these trucks and in the manner that im going to be using it for long distances.


    spankis thanks for the reply. If I get a cummins it will be deleted and kept on close to stock power levels as possible with a tuner.


    And yes ill be doing most of the maintenance and repairs with the help of my dad who has a lift and is a decent mechanic. He has a 07 chevy duramax that he uses to haul his drag car and loves his. except he only puts maybe 5k miles a year on his so I cant judge to much on the reliability and longevity of one from his. I wasn't that impressed with the interior or ride of his to be honest.

  12. I agree with the 7.3 being the best. Damn near impossible to get a loan on a truck that old though. One thing that concerns me with the duramax is that I read all over injectors going out sometimes under 100k miles. I want to buy something with under 50k miles and want it to add 50-75k miles before it needs major work and allow me to make some money with it before shit starts breaking.
  13. I have always done cars and jeeps and never owned a diesel before. I have narrowed it down to a 07-2010 6.7 Cummins or Duramax dually. I am going to be using it for daily duties and towing a 3 car wedge 2-4 times a month so fairly heavy loads. I have been spending hours on forums reading and trying to learn all the ups and downs of each one. I am looking at a 6spd manual in the cummins since from what I've read its a little more durable then the auto trans in a cummins. The duramax has the Allison so a better trans but the cummins has alot more lower torque for hills and such when pulling. Im looking for any input and if anyone has experience towing alot with either I'd like to hear any pro's or cons.
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