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Posts posted by 1bad_nova

  1. I use Hagerty insurance on my Nova...and I do believe you can put it on any car that has a value that the Kelly Blue Book doesn't recognize. With Hagerty, you are covered, at whatever value you want, for the entire year. I have the Nova insurance for 25,000 and I pay 465 a year, one time fee. You can't beat that with a stick...And the only reason that it's that high, is because I have special insurance on the engine to cover at least a partial rebuild if it were to come apart while leaving a show or something.


    It never fails that when I am leaving a cruise-in...my foot slips and I accidentally bust the tires loose a little bit :)


    Just my 2cents!

  2. I'm currently the owner of a cigar box size garage in my Dominion home....with my wifes Jeep, and ALL my Jax Wax product that I store/sale, I've barely got enough room to park the Nova on a regular basis.


    So, I was thinking and hoping I could find a place willing to rent me some space for about 3 months while I tear the car apart and do some major projects. It would obviously need to be heated, and be cool with me pulling a motor and such.


    I'd bring it over in late January, to mid-April probably.


    I'm redoing the dash to a custom all metal dash and throwing that crappy plastic insert out the window.


    Redoing the 10pt/halo part of the cage to go down through said dash.


    Disc brakes on rear-end and repainting under-side of the car.


    Getting interior done (door panels and carpet)


    Rerouting fuel lines and electric from rear of the car.


    Rewiring ALL gauges and ignition.


    whew..I think that's all. Anyhow, if any of you guys know anyone with a place like this, preferrably on the west side to keep my driving to a minimum, please contact me at 614-306-0761


    Thanks, and here's counting down the days to summer again!



  3. Hey Matt, I used Doug Mann at Mann's Performance in Newark. He's awesome and my motor was so nice and clean. He actually assembled the bottom end for me, but I buttoned it up with the oil pan. It was all so clean...and he does have some pretty nice and newer equipment. I was told he's one the best here for stroker applications and the aftermarket blocks. I also use a Dart little M 400" base block.


    Just my 2cents :)



  4. Most of the cleanups I've seen have a few hundred dollars that the track typically takes care of. The disclaimer is in the event that the track tries to charge us do to a massive failure. This will also make those people that know their cars are broke think twice before racing it. If I pay to watch a track get cleaned for hours up due to something that could be prevented I would be pissed. This isnt saying that you will definitely be charged if a break occurs... Its saying if there is one it could be passed on to the driver based on the circumstances surrounding the failure.


    Best explanation on this entire thread! Thanks man...I sold the motor out of the car..so I won't be attending but good luck on getting a good turn-out and no oil downs :)

  5. Just closed the deal last night...getting a BDS 8006 blower intake and stage 4 6:71 blower with all carb linkage and drive assembly. Couple sets of pulleys and a belt along with some other parts and cash.


    I won't be back out this year but next year I'm hoping to be back on the road by June. Gonna redo the cage this winter while the car is down and get it certified and re-plumb and re-wire the car.


    When it's all said and done, hopefully will have a 421 Stroker with a blower setup on it and be flying. AND...I'll do all the work myself. :bangbang:


    Pump gas will be nice to run as well. :)

  6. dont go down the track if you or your car cant handle the pass...i dont see whats a big suprise here? sounds like common sense to me




    if i can get the bike fixed by then, ill make a few passes


    HAHA please man.....I've rented the tracks in PA a few times for events similar to what you guys are having, but did so about 7yrs ago was the last time. And the tracks were responsible for cleanups if there were any issues. NOW...if you slide and hit the wall and it needed repaired, you were responsible for that.


    I don't know if you are...BUT please don't preach to me man about "if my car or me can't handle the pass don't go".... That's like saying you can guarantee that you will take a motor built like mine, to the hilt, and it's going to make 100passes and NEVER have a problem. If someone tried to make you that bet, would you take it? No, you wouldn't, because you know that race motor's, can come apart at any point.


    ....It's just the nature of the beast. :cool:


    And I wasn't really complaining..it was more of a surprise because I only had 1 track try to do that to me when I rented it and after some talking, they decided to cover any oil downs but still held to their guns that if someone hit the wall and it needed repairs they had to take care of that....which makes pretty good sense to me.


    Either way...like I said, I'm gonna probably be there if the weather permits...and we'll have to hope this ol 434 hangs in there and doesn't come apart! :bangbang:

  7. WOW.....thats pathetic that tracks can get away with that shit. IF you rent a DRAG RACING TRACK, and the track doesn't even take care of breakage of a good car on a good run, something is wrong.


    Dark Formula, I know what you mean by someone knowingly going down the track with a broke ass car and that should warrant a punishment. I just can't believe that tracks have gotten so cheap that they don't even cover cleaning the track when they OWN IT!




    I know...lets build our own track :p lol

  8. You said yourself your interior wasn't done.....

    I've helped put on quite a few shows and you have no idea how much a pain in the ass it is. These "rants" always happen. (btw I had nothing to do with this one)


    What was wrong with the PT as far as condition or cleanliness?

    Don't get me wrong, I hate when shit like that wins too.... But when the guys with nice cars don't clean/finish their shit, it happens.

    To make shows NOT a popularity contest, and not biased on PERSONAL taste the judges have to have something measurable. It usually boils down to cleanliness and condition then broke down by engine, interior, exterior or wheels.

    More than likely they hated to give a win to a PT, but looking at it through points they had to.

    Get your car finished and clean as a pin before being upset about that kind of situation.


    In all seriousness...your post kinda came across as a lecture..and trust me..I don't need one of those about my car or how judging is done. But I doubt that's how you meant it to come across.


    And I know for a fact that half the guys that judged, don't even work on or own any hot rods... And, in my original post, I said I was more surprised that the Chevelle didn't get anything. NOT even a top 5 pick, and then not even a top 30 is a fucking insult. And, like Matt said above, it is popularity contest. You are describing what it's like to be a judge at freaking GoodGuys LOL


    My paint scheme, color, and detail should have blown him off the map before you got to the interior. My engine compartment..is very detailed and clean. My trunk is painted a dark grey, aluminum fuel cell and neat wiring. ALL my wiring under the hood is clean and neat. He had American Racing wheels and Advance Auto stick on chrome panels and a vacuumed interior that was BONE stock like EVERY OTHER PT CRUISER. And, I saw the car...the paint wasn't even nicely detailed...horribly swirl marks.


    And, just to clarify..I don't even care about trophies....EXCEPT when something like this happens...it's a slap in the face for those of us that stand on our head to work under the dash of a car with a 10pt cage in it. And even though my post here comes across as if I'm angry..it's just the way I am..I'm very passionate about anything that I do. I'm not angry in the slighest...was just a bit burned! Oh well, that IS why I have a drag car more than a street car! :) hehe I just wish I had the money and time to get to the drag strip like I used to.


    And quit making sense...I just like bitching damnit!!!! :D

  9. This is why I will never go to a single one of those shows again. They have their little group they pick and that is it, if they don't know you they don't give you an award.


    After last summer I don't even bother to enter car shows anymore. I would rather win best appearing car at a race.


    And I agree..BUT for those of us that can't afford to go to the track every weekend...I enjoy it because I get to look at lots of cars and meet some really nice folks. I think I'm just done letting the car be judged at all, every again! :)

  10. Sorry man, some people (even "car people") just have retarded taste. I remember the "car shows" that culvers had every now and then, and it was usually riced out PT cruisers and plastikrome galore.


    The Culvers on the west side? Yeah, I go to those...those are the shows where I register to show my respect, but I write the "DO NOT judge" on the paper on my dash.

  11. Went to the Axes & Axles show in West Jefferson on Labor Day and it was a very nice show. I don't get to many of those because of how limited my driving range is, because of the fuel I have to run. So, I had good time no matter what.




    Just a tid-bit of info...they were doing top 5 in various decades (eg. top 5 of 60's & 70's etc.) and I fully didn't expect to take a top 5...I mean, hell my interior isn't even done. But, the rest of the car is clean, no rust and detailed. So, when I noticed they were doing a top 30 overall from the show, I figured at least 1 of those would come my way which is nice. 99.9% of the time I put on my registration card "DO NOT JUDGE" because I've got enough plaques and such sitting around the house. But, this show was larger and so I wanted to see what happened.


    To my surprise (or maybe I shouldn't be surprised) I did not get a top 30 and neither did the silver certificate Chevelle that was next to me that I cruised down with BUT a fucking POS PT Cruiser DID.......WTF!!!!!!!!!!


    A black PT Cruiser with aftermarket wheels, and stick on chrome from Advance Auto-Parts walks out with a top 30 of nearly 190cars.... WOW!! AND a bone stock corvette & mustang. To be honest, I wasn't even that upset about my car not getting, the way my car is built, has a taste all its own...BUT the Chevelle next to me....


    OK, I'm done ranting...but that's been burning me up since the show and I had to let it out! :)

  12. I'm sure I'll come, but what a crock of shit...having to pay for cleanup if I have a catastrophic engine failure....THEN paying for the down time if it's (super) major....I mean...why even have the track people there, they aren't doing a damn thing!!!


    I've rented tracks before and they tried to pull that shit and I told them no-way that's crap, part of owning the track & holding events like that is cleaning up IF there's breakage. Once they saw that they weren't going to get the couple grand that they wanted to rent the track out in the fall time...they changed their tone.


    /sigh even dragstrips are getting cheap now-a-days...



  13. Yeah I don't race for money...I've never had enough to do that! :) But this year we're hoping for mid 9's with the new 434... (as soon as I get the bugs worked out)


    I had a Subaru Legacy and that little thing was FUN on the curvy roads! :)

  14. Here is the startup video on July 3rd of this year...the motor was in the car a total of about 3hrs at this point...this is my dad's shop in PA. That's his Anglia with a 350 blown small block. It's a handful at the big end!



    I'm hoping that this place for everyone...it's already uploaded there and I refuse to put it up on youtube...because I DON'T have thick skin and can't stand half the fuckers on youtube and their comments.

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