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Posts posted by decptcon

  1. Did you ever think that maybe there was a mechanical failure leading to the fire? Not every exotic owner has a "god complex" just because they own a Ferrari. An accident can happen in any vehicle.


    Please reread what i typed in my first reply. 1. As i stated i did not know the full story of the car and its fire problem.(which i read later) 2. I never said "every" owner had a complex nor did i single our Ferrari either. im sorry, but a high percentage or people that own those class of cars probably have no idea how to drive them in the first place. You can see that by going through the vast majority of wrecked exotics on that site.


    And yes. A lot of people that own exotics do have a chip on their shoulder and treat others as though they are below them (God Complex). And for that i laugh. Call me ignorant or what ever you will. Im going off personal experience, when i try to talk to someone about their cars and they blow you off like a 30 cent hooker in detroit. But there are those occasions where someone is actually considerate and exited that you have an interest and want to talk to them. That to me is a car enthusiast, and not a prick with to much money.

  2. what i dislike, and this happen just last night on my way to work. I was on a main stretch of road coming up to a busy intersection. following another car at length with enough room as i always try to. Guy on harley is up about pace with car in front of me. With out looking nor signaling hits his brakes, swerves over into between me and the car in front of me. Of course slamming on the brakes, if not he would of ended up in my car. And putts along. Finally gets into the turn lane and pulls up next to me.


    me - Hey

    Biker- (just looks at me)

    Me - Thats a good way to get yourself killed

    Biker - Whys that

    me - You cut me off, You dont bother to look or use your signal. If i wouldnt of hit my brakes you would off been in my car.

    Biker - yea what ever ( flips his nose up and smurks)

    Me - Dont be cocky, I ride and your the reason we get a bad rap. Either learn to ride your bike or stay off the road. Next thing you know youll be the one on the pavement with that kind of stunt you pulled.


    Cant stand people like this. Most people no have no respect for anything and feel their intitled to be on the road and should be given every inch cause they are on a bike.

  3. is it time to unpimp ze auto yet?




    Seriously you guys are funny as hell. I may drive a BMW, but i see no need in the stretch and poke, dumped, slammed so i can rip every body panel off my car in one bump idea. That z series would look so much better with flush wheels lowered tastefully to where the car actually retains its functionality of what it was designed for ( a womens car.. i kid i kid). But jesus, they say JDM is bad. Atleast there something to like in that.


    Edit - Before the flamethrowers get turned my way. I have no problems with clean cars of any make or model. But some styles just make no sence to me anymore. Ill give credit for creativity even if i dont like it. but man some people just take it to the extreme.

  4. Sometimes i wonder what goes through peoples mind that own these cars. Some of the wrecked pictures are just sad and i feel bad for the car for the fate of being put in the hands of someone with a god complex. Granted i dont know the full story, which im guessing it hated life and set fire to itself. But still beautiful even if it is half charred.
    • Upvote 1
  5. Another great Toledo intro. Like the M3, just needs dropped. :)


    Thats the plan. Right now i have bilsteins with ECS tuning rear shock mounts sitting here waiting to go on to replace the the completely blown stockers on there now. Surprised they lasted as long as they did. The Goal for right now is get it back to a point where i can actually drive it. I bought it with 125k on the clock and it just turned 133 this month.


    Aug/Sept projects

    -Suspension - Shocks ( H&R non OE sprot springs will come in the spring when i can afford to replace the stock bushing as well)

    -O2 sensor

    -Front tires

    -Fix Passanger side door handle (doesnt work)

    -Fix/replace fog lights

    -Get rid of the chrome kidneys for black ones.

    -And now fix my windshield since now its cracked (stupid rocks)



    its a bit of a money pit, but i can say it has never let me down. i get it and turn the key and starts up every time. Just cant waite to actually enjoy it and be able to experience the car as it should.

  6. Hello everyone. My name is Mark, im 29 and i work as a Lead Pharmacy Tech currently working on getting CPhT certification. After getting certified one of the places i plan on moving to is Columbus. Kinda want to stay close to the family and friends.


    interests go from video games to videography. Im A.d.d with interests which doesnt help), that is when schedules meet up and im not stuck at work ( 2-11 shift blows) every night. But i work 03av6coupe in doing our media stuff. Actually wouldnt mind making my way down and getting video of you guys sometime. Always good to add new material.


    And just for refrence


    I learned about CR from Toledotuners, which im currently a mod for. So there should be no worries about EMO trolling from me. But after a current post up on our forums, i thought i would sign up as well. I already know a handful of people that reside in the area, and would look forward to meeting more. Everytime ive been down there its been a great time.


    Ive been in the "scene" if you will, since 2000. Started off with a 98 honda civic, which thankfully i didnt have a lot of money then so i didnt do anything stupid ricey and just had an exhaust, intake and suspension.





    In 2005 i picked up an '03 Buell XB9R. Previous ownder did some motor work but unsure exactly what it was. Never really cracked it open to find out, partly in fact since it doesnt leak oil and would like to keep it that way;). it does lobe a little harder than stock buells ive been next to so who knows.




    After selling off my 98 i decided to pick up a 92 hatch and learn the right way. Purchased from down in Cbus in Jan '06, i threw out the d series and dropped a b18a into it. added ITR header, apexi mid with a spoon Axleback. The car still needed a lot of work, but in Nov of '06, a motor home decided it needed more room and used it as a curb bumper and tore into it.








    Than in Jan of 07 i purchased a 1997 Civic Hatch. H22a1, Ground Control CO's, LSB, Buddy Club P-1's, Recaro pole position driver and Recaro ITR passenger. I miss this car dearly since being sold. Some may have seen it at some of the Honda meets a few years ago with slomo.


    Honda-Tech meet at Slomo - Thanks shockerjoe



    Suja1 meet in chicago



    and Finally, after selling both Hondas, i decided to go a different direction and go Euro. 1995 M3, Stock (also meaning broken). The last 20 months have been an up and down road trying to save to fix the thing. But after fixing a lot of little problems, im finally able to tackle the suspension. Itll be a really slow build, but all i want is a nice standing, clean car. Dont need anything fast or extreme.








    So that is me. apologies for the extremely long post.

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