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Posts posted by Captain_Panic1647545539

  1. That was at the NYC Toy Fair this last year for Bananagrams. I have a video of them starting it and driving off while a passenger in the back is wearing a banana suit while yelling happy bananaversary and tossing out bracelets with their logo on it. Pretty funny and unique experience.
  2. M&M head services in Delaware.

    Cash sometimes gets you a discount.


    Waiting on a call back from them.




    I went to NAPA on 161 for a BMW M4218B head rebuild. They did a 3-angle valve job, etc....I would imagine whatever shop they use could do port/polishing. At least worth a call.


    I've had Mike do work for my old junkers in the past, but man...you gotta wait on him.


    I'll have to check it out. I live right by there anyway.


    Wasserbeck Speedshop in Prospect Ohio builds some crazy stuff. Ask for Ed Wasserbeck, he is the owner.


    I will look into that. Thank you.




    Eric Grimes did the porting on my heads/sc/Lower intake manifold. He did a lot of work for LT1Rick on here. He's down off by Groveport Rd.


    Awesome, I'll add that to the list.

  3. x9 on Mad Hatter...been going there 10+ years and never had a single situation where I was ripped off...maybe you're just a cheap ass lol.


    This... this is true.


    I've never been ripped of at mad hatter. Maybe they don't like you.....


    Hell they probably don't! I wouldn't like me if I weren't me.



    But the last time I couldn't stop laughing while telling him to get it off the lift after he told me how much he wanted to weld a pipe in place.

  4. I have always had AMAZING customer service from Chase. Plenty of ATMs everywhere, and being able to deposit cash/checks at them is a real time saver.
  5. I agree with having it impounded. I would send a certified letter stating that they have one week to come claim the vehicle, and if they don't, give them the address where it will be when they finally decide to get it, if ever. Also, you might contact a local sheriff and see what they would advise.
  6. As scrap weight you won't get much more than 15 or so depending on the price of gold at the time.


    Appraisal values are generally three times what retail value is. Retail value is generally the cost of materials plus the jeweler's time multiplied three to four times over.


    That being said, this piece is rather nice as a whole unit, so I would list it on CL or here as a whole for around 100, rather than selling it to a scrapper who is going to melt it down for about 15-20.


    Not that I know...

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