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Posts posted by Citan

  1. Check out the Freeways at 5:10 pm.




    On a weekday.


    But.. If you're into cars (duh ) haha this is a pretty cool way to pass some time:




    La Brea tar pits are pretty cool


    The beaches are great for scenery, though eye candy thins out this time of year..

  2. Wow, that's crazy..


    That explains why the rustang's insurance is so high, people wrecking them left and right..


    lol.. A previous '02 GT probably ended up there.. 32k miles.. what a waste (not my fault! )



  3. If you didn't get you some In-and-Out Burger, then it was a wasted trip. Sorry.


    I respectfully disagree on that, I guess it's worth trying once but.. Maybe it's changed since you'd been here, the 2 years I've lived here I haven't been a fan, the first few times I went I thought it was cool, then I realized I didn't really enjoy it.. For fast food burgers I hit up the habit.. ( http://www.habitburger.com/ ) the burgers taste about the same, but the fries actually taste good, and the shakes are much better..


    Shawn, best of luck with the car and it was fun having you out here, if only for a day.. And you made me do the touristy Hollywood run, but I'll forgive you this time! ;)

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