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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. your grandma's wig. she can have it back if she wants it, i just wanted to rub her bald head while she was taking it balls deep in her mouth with her dentures out.
  2. :lolguy: do this. then you can change the plate to BRBIGRL
  3. mjrsplat

    Dear Cr

    LULZ. arent you the one that got mad that i called her my "baby's mom" and didnt call her my girl, boo, main bitch, or whatever it is you call your lady? i'm pretty sure it was you that got butthurt on one of my posts where i said that. thats why i pointed out my "baby's mama". As far as you being better than me, it wont happen. Better than me at raquetball maybe, but thats because I have never played. As far as the race goes, I think you're more worried about what your excuse would be when you lost. you'd have to tell all your friends "I got beat by some ginger tool in a beat dick 21 year old toyota that looked like it was about to throw a rod." and you're worried about how your precious gto would look getting beat by "the slowest car on cr" I can understand that since your car's reputation means everything to you.. I'd hate to see a for sale sign on the gto because you got beat. Its a shame you dont still have the camaro. :fa:
  4. no, but thats why your place mysteriously smells like peanut butter. i dont have a dog. :dumb:
  5. it is rumored cordell once smothered a cat that didnt clean his keyboard right. pop the keys off, then clean it. or smear it in peanut butter and let the family dog clean it up.
  6. The car doesn't have a back seat = Nowhere for cody to sit in his carseat.. I was not impressed. :gabe:
  7. mjrsplat

    Dear Cr

    lol. yeah, thats all i talk about. and if my car is so slow you should probably run it. nothing to worry about right? cuz you're "rapin all the trolls this year" and according to you im "the troll who ruined cr" sounds like you have every reason to race me. unless youre just a keyboard racing midget raquetball player. :masturboy:
  8. mjrsplat

    Dear Cr

    ok i'll go buy a prius. then you can get your kia out. :fa:
  9. mjrsplat

    Dear Cr

    wanna get fogged out by a poopra? :gabe:
  10. mjrsplat

    Dear Cr

    you got ripped off sir.:dumb:
  11. http://cdn2.auctions.overstock.com/aimages/d/0/4/223/42236224_1.jpg looks just like this. if you want actual pics, i can text them to those interested.
  12. mjrsplat

    Dear Cr

    Phil. You're just mad Martin spotted mark then came over to talk to everyone but you. And your gto is slooooow.
  13. They were taped up bruh, you should be all good now.. lol told ya.. Front turbo seal leaks a bit, and I'm running rich up top.. After I fix the seal and you sell me better plugs, shouldn't be a half bad run.. I had to roll off the throttle a tad in 4th and 5th to deal with breaking up and going rich.. So how bad did I get ya? I couldn't see thru smoke and darkness.
  14. Seen it. It's an early 80s vette on a navigator frame.. It's dumb.
  15. It's true. He didn't want to accompany me for tandem cruising down the freeway all because 'I personally offended him' and my car may be over his horsepower cap.. Btw Chris how was the view on the way home? :gabe:
  16. Chris call when you go to home depot. I will likely roll out.
  17. It is a deh 2000mp I don't have pictures at the moment, google has pics. I don't have the metal sleeve that goes around it but other than that it works good. Plays mp3 cds and has an aux jack in the front. 50 bucks gets it.
  18. Hopefully it's a dead one. I tend to kill spiders that I see, next time I come across one I would definitely make a thread. Btw looks kind of like a wolf spider. Things are nasty. Edit for pic. http://www.wolfspiders.net/spider-images/wolf-spider-1.jpg
  19. I thought all gnome car races involved mcgangbang currency.
  20. Anyone heading out tomorrow? I got sidetracked tonight..
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