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Posts posted by dre5491

  1. That's a cool picture


    Nice pic. Welcome.

    Thank ya, I thought it turned out pretty good for a point and shoot camera.


    +rep, just because i roomed with 3 guys while in college who were from mason.


    welcome to the site


    Thank ya, where did you go to school?

  2. I'm Devin, I live in Mason. I don't drive anything cool, just a daily to get good MPGs. I'm a full time college student for Mechanical Engineering, and I don't plan on getting another quick car until after college (FML), but I still try to stay in the "car scene" and go to meets and such. I got your site from Colt ha. Btw the oven idea is badass, helps cut down on spam and douche bag ricers a lot that speak Engrish.. Here's a pic of the slow piece of shit, in the recent ice storm. http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs254.snc6/180197_1314722714506_1423830536_31266058_3870720_n.jpg
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