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maces spawn

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Everything posted by maces spawn

  1. you know i folowed the stickies and umm i was told my car is a pos then umm yea it exploded from there if you see something bad beside my intro i realize plz show me
  2. no ur not that bad i just dont understand why people freak out i get the whole razz the noob but geez this is kinda out of hand
  3. 16 jeff lol im jking thats a good one
  4. This is crazy how i say hey which wasnt my original post i messed up and posted twice and people hated on that?? then the selling thing i do posts in craigslist i just joined this site to see the forums yea my car is not the best im 16 who had an amazing car for their first time, and for all u guys who think your cool internet guys i hope you have fun in your moms basement I figure i will just tell to all of you straight.
  5. http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRlW6qpA3M2dKin5-_it3qFuTo-oqobqX3wXdyvHfwzcz9fxGI_tQ
  6. hahaha your real funny too arent you
  7. why did my name change anyone know??
  8. Umm yea my name is Vince and as stated in my name i am Maces Son who sells a lot of things through this forum i like to play sports and video games i am a real staright guy when comes to selling things so yea everybody have fun.
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