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Posts posted by spkcadet

  1. http://youtu.be/ZydE0BuP2yc


    Not sure if she or her partner saw this/are interested.


    I was very impressed with the calm professionalism with which they handled that situation.


    Oh wow, I did not see that, I sent it along to my sister. Good to see that he is offering the support to them, seems to be more and more people pulling support lately.


    Did losing the finger cause her to have to stop being an officer? Hopefully not.


    We really do not know yet. Given the extent of the injuries it is up in the air. Her pinky and thumb were not harmed, however her index being gone, and her ring and middle finger being patched back together from pieces of the amputated index finger make it hard to judge it. She is able to move her ring finger a little bit, but the middle finger is still pretty useless. She has a few more surgeries to do in the future and the outcome of those will really steer her course at that point.


    On a humorous note... She has taken great pleasure in wiggling her nub at people. She made sure to say "HEY IAN CHECK THIS OUT!" then started wiggling it at me. She thinks it is fking hilarious... haha

  2. I just saw her yesterday for mothers day and she is doing pretty well. Not sleeping well due to the pain and the meds are messing her up pretty well. She finds it entertaining to wiggle her stub at people, so at least she is finding some humor in it all. I guess she is still having flashbacks to the incident and nightmares. Pretty common side effect of PTSD plus pain meds. She is staying tough though. I want to drag her to Cars and Coffee one of these days but between my work schedule and her inability to drive much longer than 10-15 mins (because of meds) that might not be happening any time soon. Thanks for the support all, as family it helps us all knowing there is so much support. Her and my parents have gotten pretty beat up by the "youtube keyboard warriors" but I am trying to get them to not read the comments, which is hard...
  3. bleh. and i bet you had that dull pitting feeling in your gut.


    when i watched your sisters video one of the things i noticed was how quickly that went down. door opened, he rolled out and started letting round go in what? 2 seconds? and how it seemingly came out of no where.


    yup, and it was crazy talking to her after it happened because she remembers it so differently, which she mentions in that interview. She remembers the door opening slowly when in reality he throws it open and jumps out. She has been a cop for 5 years so she has done thousands of traffic stops, so when this happened it was one of those things that nobody, not even they expected.

  4. not to take away from your sisters story but in the realm of traffic stop shootings here is the West Memphis PD incident involving the father and son duo from Ohio.


    To be honest when I got the phone call that she was shot this is kinda what was going through my head. I was actually at the Wings / Blue Jackets game up in detroit and got the call when I left the game. I literally zoned out for the next half an hour before I snapped back to. This kind of stuff is becoming more and more common it seems, and since a lot of officers roll one deep due to budget cuts, it is becoming easier for them to do that kind of stuff.

  5. Ian was just telling me the story at C&C a few weeks ago.


    Unbelievable to actually see the video. Must've been tough to watch, Ian!


    It was really tough to watch to be honest, having 2 siblings that are cops you always have that feeling lingering in the back of your mind that it could happen, but you dont expect it to happen to the one working in Middlefield, heart of Amish country. She actually did a radio interview the other day where I think she did a great job explaining the whole story. Long interview, but sheds light on everything.


  6. Id guesstimate what, 50 to 75 cars? Ish... I got there about 9:30 and took off round 11:15...


    OVR posted on facebook that they had around 100 cars there... and one truck!


    This was the post on their page:


    "Thanks everyone for came and ran the fun event today!!!! We had great weather, first car was off the course at 9:44am ~ 100 cars ~ 7 runs and the truck was packed up by 4:14pm!! All thanks to everyone who participated in a fun and safe day!"

  7. I will have trouble making any of these this year unless something changes with my job since I start work at 7am on saturdays now. But considering I might be unemployed in about 3 weeks I might be able to start coming again!
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