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Posts posted by ItsWorthIt

  1. I have nothing but good things to say about Dr. Steensen. I tore my ACL senior year of high school and he was able to get me a brace to "replace" my ACL and get me through the rest of hockey season. Basically he was the main reason that I was able to play through the last 3 months of my season. Nicest guy I've met and is very flexible in letting you do what you want. Their physical therapy at Cardinal is great as well. Hopefully this helps.
  2. HaHa! CR Comes through. I knew you'd surface. That's was my DD'er Fusion Sport in the lot.


    Your car does sound great. In terms of cars, the Si is about the easiest manual to learn in. I bet she'd be fine from the get-go. Never drove a G35 manual so I can't say. I do know that I've driven a stick for years and it took 2-3 weeks to get used to my Mazda Speed. It's easy to drive hard but hard to drive easy.


    Yeah I've been on here for a while and just never post haha. And yeah I remember seeing you there I thought you gave us a weird look when you first got out of your car haha. The G35 is EXTREMELY nice for what they are asking though. And yeah I looked at Speed 3s when I got my car, it was the AWD that made the difference for me, and everyone I know who has driven a Subaru loves it.

  3. So the family all piled into the car for some late afternoon fun at Sawmill Park at my kids school, Old Sawmill. While there, I see one of the best sounding late model STi Hatchbacks (Red) with what looked like some Gray OZ Wheels acting like it was staging for a blast in the parking lot. I'm like WTF :confused:


    Turns out it was a guy teaching his girlfriend to drive a manual :gabe: She would rev to about 2-3k and Bog-hop-bog-hop that bitch like it was her job :lolguy::lolguy:


    Anyone here? Looked like at the very end she was able to get it going a little better but not perfect yet. :p Car sounded great and I'm glad to see it was down to a single exhaust pipe. Even if it was a Canon at an angle.


    That would be me haha and yeah I'm sure it was a blast to watch... she was struggling I'd say. She is looking at used cars and is deciding between an older G35 Infiniti and a newer Si. Thanks for the compliments though :)

  4. Just got back from it about an hour ago, only went to see the Clydesdales from the Budweiser tent get hitched up and taken out. Found out on my way over there that they weren't doing it today because the heat index was too high. Other then that it was just the same as pretty much every year. Lumber jack show was pretty entertaining though haha.
  5. Ehh as long as he knew about the ticking and just never got it checked out its not your fault. Like someone said either he'll get over it or he won't and taking it onto facebook is just straight up immature in my opinion.
  6. Job thing sucks. Car does not. Welcome. :gabe:


    Yeah it's not a huge deal though since it was only a part time summer job before I go back to school (I go to Xavier in Cinci). Hoping to get a more reliable one next summer to put more money into the car though.

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