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Posts posted by Nicklz

  1. FOX19 - The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) announced Sunday that 153 people are being monitored after having contact with the Dallas nurse who visited Northeast Ohio last week while showing symptoms of Ebola.


    Of those 153 people, three are under quarantine.


    According to the ODH, people are placed into different tiers based on their risk-level.


    People under quarantine are considered to be a tier one risk. Those people have enforced restrictions on movement and travel, they take their temperature twice daily, they have contact with public health officials and they are not allowed to travel commercially.


    The ODH says 22 people currently fall under tier 2A (active monitoring), 48 people fall under tier 2B (verified self-monitoring) and 52 people fall under tier 3 (self-monitoring).


    Most of the people being monitored reside in Summit and Cuyahoga counties.


    According to the ODH, 14 other counties are monitoring seven or less people, including Hamilton and Franklin counties.


    There are no confirmed cases of Ebola in Ohio.



    The difference is going to be these 153 people, if they have it, and if they end up passing it on to other(s) or not.

  2. Ebola is airborne on water particles and has up to a 21day incubation period, in which you can be conatgious with no symptoms.

    Symptoms start similiar to a seasonal flu, and we are just starting fall.


    No it can't float through the air, but if someone sneezes on you you got ebola. Wipes their nose/mouth then touches something else that you later touch, you got ebola. That dollar bill you got back as change, yep you got ebola.

    Basically everything you've touched in the last 21 days could've given you ebola.



    1 guy has ebola in TX.

    They are already testing 114 people who could've come into contact with him.


  3. I just made the same purchasing question, eer well minus the two kid part. Needed more room for work luggage and dog while traveling out of state every week for work.


    But I just purchased a 2001 audi a6 avant/wagon over a suv/grandcherokee.

    I like the wagon and it'll handle a ton better than an suv. Plus I felt at least at my price point I got more vehicle for the $$ going with a wagon than an suv.

  4. I dont have anything picked out, but that sounds like what I am looking for. Are there any websites that specialize in these types of properties? What are the natural gas rights deal? Never heard of that..guess I need to do more research before I do anything. I guess it is a good thing that I am in no hurry for this..


    Thanks again for everyones help..


    Websites for landcontracts, not to my knowledge. Other than going through MLS listings(some realestate agents websites enable you to view all mls listed properties), or use a real estate agent, or you looking through craigslist even to find them.


    Lookup "utica and marcellus" these are different shale gas plays currently in eastern parts of OH, most all of WV, and western PA.

    see map

    Different areas see different production numbers, and types of gases vary also on locations. But those maps will give you a general idea.


    Some things to think about / research. (Oil&Gas is my career field btw)


    Does the property have gas rights (gas like coal or other minerals could have been "reserved" by a prior owner, which means they keep the rights to them and all you may get is surface rights) Make sure you run a mineral title, in addition to the real estate/mortgage title. This applies regardless if you go through a bank or land contract.


    It may have existing production (means gas rights would be "held by production" by whatever gas company had leased and drilled the property in the past. Sometimes companies will keep a gas wells going even if it's just barely producing, just to keep the gas rights they have under lease. This will allow them to return and drill at deeper formation in the future.

    For instance my x-gf's grandfather owned 120ac in Cambridge area, a shallow gas well (doesn't require much acerage) was drilled in 1950's and is still going today, barely. But that company still has rights to drill more wells anywhere in the 120ac tract until production ceases. All about negotiating the right lease and he could have avoided that and had maximized the potential of his acreage.


    "IF" you can get mineral rights, and get it in the right areas. You can literally pay off the property by leasing the gas rights. When you lease, your paid a "delay rental". In past these were broken down to yearly/quarterly payment. Presently this is usually paid in full, 60-90 business days after a signed lease and mineral title ownership is verified. I've seen $6000 per acre during some fierce turf wars between gas companies for prime areas. (prices have come down a bit though, all depends on location, maybe as low as $250 per ac)

    Then if/once gas well is drilled your paid a royalty ranging from (1/8th) 12.5% up as high as you can negotiate it. Depending upon how much production the well makes, it can be very very lucrative. So it may be best to grab a larger piece then you had intended.


    "the most valuable thing in the world is land, because God isn't building anymore"


    Thats just some of the basics, I could go on for awhile on this topic.

    PM me when time comes and I can give you a hand with anything O&G related.

  5. If you don't already have your eye on a certain piece...


    You can find land contracts, or deed of trusts.

    (basically like a mortgage, you get property usage rights immediately and make arranged payments directly to former landowner until contract is satisfied then a deed giving you full ownership is executed/recorded)


    Also consider natural gas rights for rural land purchases.

  6. I've been brought up around guns so nothing new, but I've never got into them as a hobby. But now everyone at work shoots, and it's infecting, so I want my own.



    So, I've be researching the AR15/M4 platform, and was down to figuring out which one I wanted. Then, today I and a couple co-workers went down to a gun smith/store. While on the clock haha yeah I got paid for a few hours to look at cool guns. Ahh so many choices, now I'm torn between the AR15 (probably knights sr15) or the SCAR.


    Been reading up more on it all and I'm just like


  7. I have no clue who that is, so probably not.


    fwiw I just helped with capture, and didn't know he was going to fry the little rodent. Even though it's a mini-rat, stomping it would have been more humane.



    paypal me $5 and I'll PM you which Wendy's you shouldn't eat at :lol:

  8. I'm not a big Vdub person.

    Long story short, I own a 2000 vr6 Jetta gls, and I believe the timing chain is making noise. I work in oil and gas biz, and M-F live in a hotel, I have no time or ability to fix it myself. I've already looked up DIY's timing chain replacement threads.


    So if I did park it until I found time to do it, or take it somewhere how many shop hours does that call for? How bad of a job is it to do?


    I've also thinking about selling it, for cheap.

  9. I watched friends rack up DUI's like X-gf's and they weren't driving trashed.

    Just enough to pop the breathalyzer.

    The costs and headaches aren't worth it. Then your insurance is jacked.


    I go out I have 1 or 2 beers/X hours if I'm driving.

    And I'm a big guy so I know what my BAC will be.


    and this

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