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Posts posted by Dumpheezy.

  1. Was leaving Sunbury yesterday some time around 8ish and was about to hop from 36/37 to 71S and was passed by a C5 vette with the plate "Stelth". Saw a lingenfelter sticker in the rear window which was barely visable past the wing. Car sounded sick, and he didnt really drop below the 90-100mph range once he was on the highway lol.


    Anyone that someone knows on here?

  2. Summit St. and 11th Ave at the Marathon carries 110 (this is right down the street from Jegs at 11th and 71). Was $7/Gallon when I was using it last summer.


    Also. The gas station down the street from the Jegs Warehouse in Delaware has 110 as well.

  3. I felt the emotion in that response.


    @BBQDude; You cheated. Copypasta does not count. Also, you cheated poorly, as you failed to complete the task in a gramatically correct manner. When you end a sentence, there are two spaces required before the beginning of a new sentence. Besides, let Dump do his own homework. You obviously understand humor and timing, so this assignment was not required of you.



  4. So, the 'all-mighty' Hal is above ALL things CR.


    And you see... I did read that you wouldn't come out from your safe zone...but I figured that I would try to invite you to a CR approved meet up instead of inviting you to a spot that could potentially be beneath you.


    The killing yourself 'jokes' are far from a threat...or funny. To be a threat it to me it would have to be a possibility. Though I am glad that you take amusement in your own posts

  5. There are plenty of people on this site that know me. And just because my join date / post count is much lower then damn near everyone doesn't mean that I am truly new. I was a member a long time ago (7 yrs?) and just never really felt the need to be an active member. I rejoined the site last year after I finished my car so that I could keep up to date with some of the faster crowd in town...though, a lot of them dont really post much on here any longer.


    Hal, Ill be at the C&C meet this weekend if you would care enough to actually meet 'the new guy'.


    I feel that if you were to meet half of the people that you talk shit about on here that the nature of your posts would change. Or it could be possible that is just the way you and your superior brain work, which in that case I pity you.

  6. I'm sorry? New guys who want to hop into shit talking threads must first pass an English exam. Please type the following phrase one hundred times;


    "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."


    So I left out a few letters here and there...my bad.


    I'm sorry, are you tagging in for the fat trashy hobo? I didn't know he had some sort of cock sucking entourage. Maybe you can introduce yourself before we get down to business, dumbass.


    Just about anyone that goes to any of the regular gatherings already knows who I am... Sorry I havent met you at any of the gatherings that Ive been to. Most people tend to introduce themselves when they see the 'new guy' hanging out with some of the veteran members. Next time you are out and about you could try to do the same.

















































    Of course, you'd have to make it out to do so.

  7. No...it isnt over yet.


    What I would like to say though is that I love seeing Lebron struggle year after year. I understand why he left Cleveland...cant even say I blame him. Though I wouldnt say that the way he did it was the most honorable.


    I like the Heat... I like what they tried to do with bringing in Bosh and James. Watching them play is pretty enjoyable. What I like even more though is seeing Lebron humbled time after time because he took what he thought was the easy way out.

  8. Not really since I don't really care. I just found it funny you're mad at "anoyone who wasn't there and says otherwise" as well as "anyone who was there and didn't do otherwise." So you're butthurt at people who weren't there and said they'd stand up to them but also butthurt at people who were there and didn't stand up to them?


    They were stood up to. They were sent home looking like the foolish wiggers they were said to be without anyone having to engage them in the senseless and drunken violence that they were looking for.


    And to clarify...no I'm not butt hurt in the least and anyone can troll the situation as much as you want, but I'm glad it didn't escalate any further then it did..cause if it had I could have potentially lost a good friend to a trigger happy lowlife piece of shit. And idk anyone that would be willing to risk that over wanting to knock the dog shit out of a couple drunk idiots.

  9. What would have been solved by kicking his ass? Explain..


    Would it make you feel more of a man? Knowing you kicked a young kid that's fucked up on drugs/ alcohol?


    Dude already had a black eye, so I'm sure a lesson would not have been taught..


    This is why I got between hood rat #2 and my buddy Joe. Joe was instigating the situation and I wasn't in any kind of mood to have to jump in on a fight...especially with a couple of drunk ignorant fucks.


    I'm not one to fight unless there is no other option especially against someone that seems as unstable and likely to take it to a potentially dangerous or fatal level. Joe didn't pursue the fight and neither of the hood rats did after the horribly thrown punch. They were not worth mine nor anyone else's time or energy so fuck anyone that wasn't there that says otherwise and fuck anyone else that was there and didn't do otherwise.


  10. did anyone actually get it on video? i went to the gas station and missed all the fun


    LOL gas station.


    There were a few that got some of it on video. I believe Alex L had a good view.

  11. Glad I'm not most people :dumb:


    Calling the police would have resulted in more police Watching the lot and prolly would have been the start to the end of hd. I saw the video it was two guys talking shit but not being about nothing. I shouldnt have to get calls saying I need to be somewhere when theres 50 of you. That should have been someone handling the situation. Yes the "adult" thing to do is Handel it. I handeled

    A situation earlier in the nite w/ no violence. It ain't hard, someone shoulda just stepped up.


    No offense Phil, but when I said that you should have been there I meant that you would have thoroughly enjoyed 'the show'.


    I tried talking to both of them in attempt to diffuse the situation, but they obviously had tunnel vision and wanted to fight no matter what was said. Wig #2 threw a horribly placed punch at Joe (hit his forearm) and they literally did nothing else but jump around and further solidify the fact that they were low lifes.


    As someone else mentioned these were two guys that I would expect nothing less then to pull a piece on the crowd...that and Id rather not have a confrontation such as that at HD. We have enough problems as is, we dont need a shooting or some other kind of violent confrontation to ruin our meet location.


    Edit: To the people that it actually concerns. We should meet elsewhere next weekend.

  12. Idk Roy personally.... but there was a scammer thread posted about him on Ohiohondas earlier this year: http://www.ohiohondas.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=55358&highlight=roy+becker


    That may or may not show up for non-members.


    He was called out by a long-time nationwide known transmission builder who I and probably anyone else in the Honda community would be willing to vouch for. I dont mean to stir the pot or anything. Id just like to share my knowledge of the 'accused'.

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