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Buckeye 6.0

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Posts posted by Buckeye 6.0

  1. I don’t need a law to see what is safe in my car, don’t need the government to tell me how my child can ride in my car. Will never need my kids to answer as law enforcement don’t pay attention to it. Again my son fits perfect in the seat of my mustang with the belt, putting a booster in only exposes his head to flying debris in a convertible. I’m good with him not in a booster in my car. See how adulting works?


    I see how bad parenting works, clearly.

  2. Yeah because a cop is gonna ask for a birth certificate on a 6 year old... I mean I keep it in my wallet. My 6 YO sits with the belt across his shoulder he’s tall and the seat in a mustang is tiny. Been next to many a cop at light with the top down, not a peep. Kid will be 7 soon, so no fucks given.


    Steven did the test, watch the video, he proves they don’t make much of a difference. Seatbelts score just as well. Know how I know you didn’t watch the ted talk?


    Look at all these new liberals on CR!


    Not even close to being a liberal, nice effort. Are you going to lie when asked the age of your child? The child will answer honestly 100% of the time. Clearly no fucks given...........for your child.

  3. May surprise you, my son is 6 and he sits in the rear seat of my car with no booster, doesn't need it, the back seat is tiny in the convertible. The link below may blow your mind, they are nothing more than a scam and have lobbyists in Washington to create law to drive their market. I always thought the fact they say they expire is hysterical. Watch the whole Ted talk.



    Your 6 yr old is REQUIRED and needs to be in a booster. Scam, really? Statistics and reasons why are easily found and i'm not talking about handpicked conspiracy theory ones.

  4. I promise if our offense can pick it up the defense will follow.


    We allowed 3 points in the first half to Oklahoma, a program known for having historically great offenses. 3 POINTS!


    Take the Clemson game last year for example. Our defense played really well but gave up 31 points. I blame the offense for that and anyone watching the game would agree.


    Fix our offense and the defense will follow.


    OU shot themselves in the foot a few times in the first half. Our DB's and LB's played poorly the whole game and it had nothing to do with the offense.

  5. We should be blaming Urban for not taking JT out by now. It's not JT's fault he severely lacks the ability to make great throws down field. He's just trying his best. We have guys on the bench that have to be better passers than them. The only time QB should have a designed run is it's a 4th and 1 QB sneak or you have Braxton Miller as your QB. The only other time a QB should run is when the play breaks down. I am so fucking sick of this QB draw bullshit. It's so boring and gets us nowhere. JT is slower than he was his freshmen year and the QB draws aren't working. He can't consistently make a good pass over 10 yards so the defense just plays up and stops the run. We need a guy who can come in and stretch out the defense so guys like Weber and Dobbins and gash them when the defense is forced to be honest.


    Our defense is fine. It's looked suspect because our offense can't stay on the field long enough to give the defense a break. The first half of the Indiana game was a fluke. Lagow was making Peyton Manning throws and Cobbs Jr was Randy Mossing us. Nobody was going to stop that. Baker Mayfield is a different animal. We held them to 3 points in the first half. He broke down our defense partly because they were visibly tired and because his ability to prolong a play for 6-7 seconds which makes it very difficult for DBs to stick with their guys that long especially when they're already tired.


    I'm telling you, fix the horrid offense and the defense will be fine.


    Our defense is fine? What game did you watch? The DB's couldn't cover any type of route and the LB's looked lost. And it had nothing to do with being tired.

  6. Everyone is sleeping on Michigan, understand they play almost the same schedule this year. Michigan hasn't allowed but 1 game get sketchy. Michigan is also growing with this season, sorry guys but this Michigan team is a freight train.


    I highly doubt anyone is sleeping on Michigan.

  7. The ORC that they are quoting is clearly incorrect unless he failed to comply with a lawful order which is a lesser charge of fleeing and eluding. To become a felony it must create substantial risk of injury or death such as a high speed pursuit through a neighborhood. Clearly, someone is reaching and/or not understanding the charges.
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