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Posts posted by LSJonnie

  1. Hey everyone! im Jon. I was persuaded to join by a few friends recenty so i signed up. I'v wanted to join for some years now, but its only recently that i felt i needed to lol. I'm 24 and still going through college(slowly) and workin for discount tire. Borring "about me story" story warning lol


    My first car was a 95 3.8 camaro i bought when i was 17. I was super excited because it was the 1st week of my senior year and it was a great lookin black sports car with sexy curves and a great beafy not too loud(magnaflow) exhaust. Plus i got to park it out in front of the school lol. I loved it and a lot of my friends did to. Didnt take long for me to become big time car guy. So half a year later or so i started to hate the fact i bought the v6,(at least it wasn't the 3.4). Sure it had more power(215hp/240tqmoter), looked and sounded beter than most cars, but when theres the same car as yours with a vette moter in it you ask yourself WHAT was i thinking?! so thats the way its been the last 6+ years, loving my great looking camaro but getting depressed when giving it gas. But I got fed up with over saveing money for school and a C5 vette. 2012 was my year so started lookin around for more power and speed. I got lucky and found a good candition ls1 stock black maro with Borla aju. just like my v6, sept with the catfish front. It was a redic low price 2 hours away so i snached it up. So i have both now and my Ram 1500. Yup 2 shinny black, sexy, mean lookin Camaros in the same driveway lol. I'm asked "again?why?" all the time, but in my head im just correcting a mistake i made in 2005. Now I can start turning it into a mean street/strip car. 6+ years of mind modding my imaginary v8 made me crazy.But now i know everything about the car and what i want to make it. I took the new one to opening day at National Trail April 1st and ran a 14.00 and 102mph.they were my first ever passes so cappy launchs and such. I know the car would do better with a experienced deiver but im thinkin 14 is a great starting point for me and the car. No more disapointment drivin now, 0-60 in 5 suits me..... for now. gonna start droppin some bucks leaning tword drag racing. Want to start savin for a crazy handling street car now lol. Sorry for the borring, corny, badly worded story when its not needed but im a little excited for meeting new people and driving this year! And not having to anwser the "whats it got under the hood?" question with such embarrassed shame(i like taking off the badges) lol . So i decided to become a member of cr since i live hear and and find more like minded people that have way more Knowledge and experience.

    thanks for reading


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