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Everything posted by OgReNaToR

  1. http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc207/ogrenator/JesusGrumpyCat_zps54789295.jpg
  2. try "whats the word" its addicting and they are adding new puzzles all the time
  3. the xbox app got announced yesterday which is cool....let us know what you think of the beta
  4. lol so where did this dude get a hatchet??
  5. why not look at a newer speed3? I have an 08 speed3 an 11 speed3 and a g37s within walking distance of me...been in/driven all three of them and the g37 wont seem faster than the others and it doesn't have the utility of the ms3...but they are very nice commuter cars which are pretty quick..his is the coupe though not a sedan so its a little bit different...also..eww on the Maxima
  6. black with silver lip is played out man...whats your budget for the wheels? you getting new tires too? that could obviously spike the price...
  7. http://forums.evolutionm.net/attachments/evo-x-general/201170d1359394813-made-meme-sum-up-my-feelings-33986549.jpg
  8. there is a petition that was started this morning http://www.phonearena.com/news/White-House-petition-started-to-make-unlocking-phones-legal_id39085
  9. well I understand "how" lol I mean the amount of time it would take blows my mind..nobody with a life can have the time to do this even over a few years
  10. How do you keep replaying it ?!?!? to do everything in the game takes like 200 hours....then there are the quests that are randomly generated in to infinity....
  11. Looks goooood! man...how are the Kumho's holding up?
  12. Agreed on the suggestion to Apple lmao..hate that shit
  13. http://forums.evolutionm.net/attachments/back-room/199980-random-picture-thread-probably-nws-evom-rules-apply-toast-fyft.jpg?dateline=1357318964
  14. fact http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/3782_626240947912_1580237013_n.jpg
  15. http://forgifs.com/gallery/d/206545-1/Posing-with-tiger-scared-slips.gif
  16. http://i1085.photobucket.com/albums/j432/neo_morpheus/Skittles01.gif
  17. http://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/gifs_15.gif
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