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93 RX-7

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Posts posted by 93 RX-7

  1. I like buying bank owned. Unfortunately, there are not many of these available anymore, and there seems to be a lot of investor interest right now. The last one I bid on had 15 offers. What are you looking for?



    Cons...depends on when in the repo cycle you buy, but mostly condition and transaction headaches.


    If foreclosure is imminent you are dealing with the owner who probably has no money for maintenance and may not have enough equity to be able to sell without a short sale.


    If it already at sheriff's sale, you will be buying sight unseen unless you break in. And you will receive a sheriff's deed.


    Bank owned is much easier transaction although can be slow. You will receive some form of limited warranty deed.

  2. I have an 2007 Panasonic FZ50 I have been thinking about selling to upgrade to their new model of the same line. Sounds like it might be good place for you to start. I bought it after I sold all of might 35mm DSLR equipment. I like the convenience of not having to carry a bunch of lens more than I value the added quality you get with better more expensive equipment. That said I shot a wedding for a friend with this camera and the photos were quite acceptable.


    Let me know if you want more details.

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