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Posts posted by Putty

  1. A lot of people go with their lady to look at rings, get an idea what she likes. (Cut, silver, gold, plat, etc.) Once you have that idea. Buy something similar to what she likes. I'd suggest not getting the one she picked out. Kinda makes it seem like you put no thought in it.

    Me on the other hand didn't ask her anything. I picked everything out and totally surprised her with it.

  2. Was there a viper behind it?


    No, just those two.


    IMO not as good. Someone who I trust to have knowledge of these things told me they basically pay no rent because it's Les Wexner's favorite steakhouse, but were it not for that they would've folded long ago.


    So Les charges them nothing simply so he can get the steak? Sounds like a losing deal to me.

  3. I think you answered your own question. I believe what he is saying, is that there are a higher total number of encounters with black people, but a higher number of deaths with white people. Meaning that the percentage of deaths to encounters is much higher for whites.

    Or he's a space cadet and I have no idea, lol.


    No, that's it.



    You're talking ALL encounters. Speeding ticket = encounter. The topic here is killed by cops. Using that criteria, your statement isn't correct.

  4. Every cares about police violence, gang violence, rapes, shootings, etc. Its just the fact that there is a sub-section of the black community that have this "you owe me" mentality. Their families have been on welfare for decades. They don't know anything other than killing and looting.


    Let me understand...This sub-section doesn't exist in the white community?

  5. Got it



    LOL...what's your point here...cops kill more whites than blacks? Look at the population difference...77% to 13%. Simple math should tell you there will always be more encounters from white people than blacks with police. That's not the point of this 'black lives matter' movement, which I think is BS. Like someone else said, 'all lives matter'. Regardless of your race, you shouldn't be shot down if you're unarmed. These cops have so many options on their belts...taser/baton/mace yet deadly force is what they resort to.

  6. Saw it over the weekend...








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