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Everything posted by Putty

  1. WTH!! I went to that show 4 times and it's a Sunday cruise with all the aircrafts except the Angels. I was told they don't do it much for not wanting unidentified people, the public, seeing what the planes are capable of. In case there is a spy lurking in the midst.
  2. Sonic boom.....me, too. We need to hit an airshow where they allow it. Wright Patt the fail on this.
  3. Makes sense...I have standing at Ted's right by the new Clippers Stad. I realize that...The F22 is and it is just as loud at low speeds. I can't imagine how loud it is when it's taking care of business.
  4. If you think i'm going riding and not on the 450, you sir, are loco.
  5. I thought Perry was sticker free? Oh hell, let me get to the BMV. Wait, I dont have the title to my new machine yet. Hasn't come in mail.
  6. Putty

    Baby ducks

    The babies always make this noise. Yeah...that noise.
  7. You like Wayne too much. Perry is the shizzle for the 4 fizzle.
  8. Putty

    Baby ducks

    My neighbor has two she found. Look just like the one above. She keeps them in a dog cage with straw and heat lamp. She then puts them in a kiddie pool to "teach them how to swim". I suggested she gets several goldfish feeders and place in the pool, so they can learn to fish. I like the way you think.
  9. Pretty sweet and LOW..I could damn near make out the writing on it. Sumabitch is LOUD! Amazing something so loud can be stealth...oh well.
  10. I may be in for this....Oh, wait....I don't have EITHER of the stickers required for Wayne...Perry or quick and Close Lowe's?
  11. Nice work! I like em SOBs keep their dirtbikes cleaner than my streetbike!!!
  12. More advanced than Briar(Main)...I want no parts of it.
  13. Then i'll be jealous for 3 mins 42 secs. The jealousy and coolness will have worn off and you'll just be a guy I know with a silencer.
  14. Why jealous...it's not like you have one.
  15. yeah yeah...we all know you're headed to a suppressor shoot. Those that didn't I am sure appreciate the detail...I know I do.
  16. Ya....If you ever wanna see guys jumping the shit outta quads...go check it out. I sat and watched the finish line tabletop for 20+ mins. Pretty sweet. No worries and I didn't rep you.
  17. OK, you are right. My opinion of the track was incorrect. Have a good night.
  18. Jeebus, Lizard!!! I said the "A" track was "the real deal"...meaning it's nice. When I was there...A 3rd track was underway. They told me it was a cross between the two current tracks. It's either you are on a track way more advanced than you can cope with or on a track with a bunch of pw50s, KX65/80s, etc...I said decent cause if you are not able to double, triple, whoops, it's not that fun....IMO. .....
  19. For your information, I still have both, so take a couple cocks and insert due north.
  20. Everyone should give Flounder a try in your personal business...it's great.
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