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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. For the columbine freak parents, I think it shows kids just don't always learn to kill things from violent movies.
  2. Watching the news, I bet there is an article somewhere but I'm not looking for it. Sister is found in the pool, pull her out, not breathing nobody knows CPR except the 9 YO son. He does CPR and saves her, she is to get out of the hospital tomorrow. The twist? Kid learned CPR from the movie "blackhawk down". Pretty grownup movie for a 3rd grader. The Father said they have tried to turn off the movie many times, the kid plays pretend medic because of the movie. He dresses up like a medic. And the father says if it wasn't for my 3rd grader watching that $3 R rated DVD, his daughter would be gone. Everyone should have military experience IMO, I regret not serving after HS.
  3. To all these people that are finishing degrees, better check yourself, employment and wealth is not going to just fall in your lap because you got a piece of paper. It's a bitch out there. I hope it works out the way you think it will though.
  4. Funny, I see the wife running it.
  5. Tonight, salad, then homemade lasagna. I have no abs that show, they are there but you can't see them without a MRI. Later, tree bark eaters. http://gallery.me.com/bbotte/100023/IMG_0913.jpg?derivative=mmedium&source=web.jpg
  6. If you work, and don't fuck off what do you have to worry about? I'd ask the boss why she has time to take pics? Seems like her workload is light.
  7. Quality got me in the week I bought my car. I don't understand the wait.
  8. My social status didn't have an average percentage, it just said "WINNING", anyone know what that means?
  9. As fast as you can get with hunt and peck.
  10. Tim is your's small? We can't relate.
  11. Where did you get pizza beer?
  12. In before Tim has a stroke about how many of us have the can in view of the front yard.
  13. Very possible, the driving on longrifle since I live in that area, not the boyfriends balls part.
  14. Shouldn't you be stalking Howard right now?
  15. yeah it is spelled "Fiero". :gtfo: I had an 88 GT.
  16. As long as it's a m4v file it at least can be converted to play on the AppleTv, also the new ones have to stream from a computer, there is no storage/Hard drive on the new AppleTv, so it must be connected to the internet or your library with iTunes open. The old one had a Hard drive in it, that is the one I have. I prefer it. I'm not into the way Apple wants to go with media all being online and streaming it. With caps starting to be put on home internet, no way do I want to stream my library all the time. Why do I need to "pay" to access my content I already paid for. Also if you have no connectivity you have no media. The rumor is that since the Flash memory in the iPhone is the largest cost to the iPhone, apple will stop putting so much of it in the phone and make you stream you music from MobileMe. And that will enable them to drop the price of the phone significantly. There will be a couple GB for the OS and maybe apps. This is the practice that will make me go to android.
  17. My step mom is Thai and has been cooking her entire life, professionally in AZ for almost 30 years. She came to America in her early 20s. She has never put a dish in front of me I didn't like.
  18. I had Thai and could eat Thai everyday for the rest of my life, nice pork chops.
  19. Yeah couple this with the EVO gone means death to the Impreza STi.
  20. He was not a Mod, Admin yes, Mod no. I can't believe the number after we were done and actually counted how many people we banned.
  21. I bet the STi goes away when this is released.
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