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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. Ahem. http://www.sternrate.com/files/BlueIris.jpg
  2. I only have 1, both Macs can connect to it at different times. I use it when I edit pics. I have no dead pixels. Or atleast none that I have noticed.
  3. I have the 24inch LED Cinema Display for my 2 SSD MacBook Airs.
  4. I like being a racist in the computer world.
  5. Again it's a scheduling thing, if the newest mobile processors are not ready, Mac will use those. They are "Current" chips.
  6. It's not just the Mac Pro, the Apple laptops are rumored to be first to carry the first mobile processors of that line too. It's a scheduling thing, Mac sends the machines to be manufactured each year. What I think you meant to say was Mac doesn't offer a range of processors in their products. This is true, they use one type until the next refresh.
  7. What? Macs debut Intel's newest chips. Apple has a very close relationship to Intel now. here is an example: http://www.macrumors.com/2010/03/10/new-hexacore-mac-pros-next-tuesday/ the new Mac Pro is expected to be released very soon. Do you have a Hexacore I7? And as for Intel and Apple working closely, google "light peak" USB X.0 What?
  8. Mac's are not the industry standard because Windows can be loaded on almost any machine. Apple controls all their hardware. Again I prefer Apple over windows, hell if I started learning Linux I bet I would prefer that too. Again my mom's MacMini is very affordable. Mac's are not all high end. I disagree with your last statement, I think Apple does a fantastic job at their products. It's cool you like PCs. It's what you prefer. Josh I like OSX for the little things that set it apart from Windows. Things like "gestures" on my track pad. It makes it easier to use a laptop. I love the argument that goes along with Macs also that it immediately changes my political and social views too.
  9. Joe, Why buy an Audi? Why not buy a Ford Focus and save a "ton" of money? I'm not trying to get you to buy a Mac, I just don't get the hatred for Mac products from people. TOAMTO, TAMATO. Especially when Apple is an American Company.
  10. The other thing I have noticed is, used macs hold their value. I see many people try to sell their old PC here for $100-$200. I was looking on e-bay for my mom's Mac Mini. The 1.86Ghz with 1GB of ram and no 9400M were going for around $500 on e-bay. I was lucky and got on the apple refurbished site and got her a current model Mac Mini for the same price. So when I upgrade, I am confident I can sell my used mac for a good amount of cash. If you click here: Apple Refurb you will notice the Mac Mini is not offered. They sell out quickly.
  11. Why are you so in love with windows? I don't love it, I just prefer it. I bought a mac for the reason of I don't want to "HACK" or fuck with something. I want my updates to just install. I just want to turn the thing on and use it, and turn it off. I have the money Joe, I value my time more. Also I don't see too many laptop hachintosh's that weigh less than 3 lbs, also my Mom's Mac Mini is $500, I don't see saving a "ton" of money on a $500 desktop computer. And before you say "but you could have a twenty bazillion quad core processor computer for $500." My mom doesn't need a ultra fast computer, neither do I or my wife. The most intensive thing I do on a computer is edit pics. I could care less how many Gigaflops I can attain.
  12. Really, you think software written for Windows should just work in OSX or vice vera? I know people that dual boot their Hackintosh. Or dual boot their Linux/Windows boxes. I like that I just need to start a program that starts windows for the 10 minutes of work I need windows for, then go back to OSX for the rest of my work. BTW the Apple site just went live with the Pre-order of the iPad. I know you guys love that iPad. Now the real hate can start. :bangbang: I might get an iPad for my kid and us to play on, the OS is so simple, my daughter can open my iPhone, find her videos, games and music, and play them all on her own. She just turned 3 on Monday, she has been using my iPhone for almost a year. The iPad works the same way so she will be able to use it. This way I can get her movies, flashcard games, and music off my phone.
  13. Every mac is shipped with bootcamp, it allows you to dual boot OSs. So anything you are using with windows will work on a mac, You choose at boot up which OS you want to use. No "emulator". Everyone uses Intel chips now. I choose the emulator because I don't need to use any software with windows, I just need IE to connect to web work related stuff that only will work with IE. My wife is the same way, she can't even use the Windows 7 we have, she is stuck with XP because the hospital's system will not support windows 7 yet.
  14. I had my External superdrive die with a disk in it, I went to the apple store, they opened the drive, got my DVD out and handed me a new drive free. In an out in 10 minutes. Everyone has failures, however with all the stuff I have bought in the past few years the external Superdrive is the only thing I have had go bad. I have traded in my iPhone a few times, the plastic case cracks, I take it in and I get a replacement. I actually like that, I beat the outside of the phone pretty good with scratches and stuff.
  15. Just bought a Mac Mini (refurbished, 2.26Ghz 2GB, 9400M) from the Apple Website for my mom. $535 shipped. It does everything she wants minus video conferencing, but I have a Web Cam on the way for that. She couldn't be happier. Me too because once she learns the differences between the OSs I will not get calls to fix something. I'm taking her to the Apple store here in a Saturday or two to take the free beginners course on how to use a Mac. I'm sure I will pick up a thing or two also even though I have used a few for a couple of years. Just another thing Apple offers. My dad is buying a Macbook and is really excited because he is tired of fighting with his PC.
  16. SpaceGhost

    This is me

    I bet your rating was negative on consumer reports.
  17. So you droped your labtop hard enough to bend it, and your pissed they will not do warranty work? Ok.
  18. SpaceGhost

    This is me

    Lol, the IP pointed me in the right direction.
  19. SpaceGhost

    This is me

    Btw nice car today on 270, if it wern't 5pm And Zi wasn't at my exit I might have honked it off.
  20. SpaceGhost

    This is me

    Were you by chance at Anthony's house?
  21. Came with a parking pass too! Thanks again Zac.
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