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Status Updates posted by armin922

  1. hey sexy ass i miss u
  2. RIP KENNY....... U will always be remembered....
  3. hey man do u know if fisher posted the vid from fridays cruise from roosters to the funeral home?
  4. hey i like ur car. I have kind of the same car its a bonneville. I love the big body GM's. What mods do u have done to ur car?
  5. hey i love your buick. I have a bonneville which is somewhat similar to your car. But anyways your car looks great!
  6. hey i saw u in ur stang on busch blvd. Its sharp and very clean. I like the HID's btw. Nice car man
  7. hey man next time u have a gig let me know. I heard u were good, and i like seeing people esp ones i know play. I had a good time last friday but unfortunately i got there late and lisa was already on stage. So let me know man. I think u and lisa should do a song together about kenny.... or just do a song together in general, that would be pretty neat. PEACE
  8. hey fag, when u comin back to columbus?
  9. coming up on 1 year and Not a day goes by that I dont think about your a**. Call me a fag but idc. We miss you man!
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