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Posts posted by Bananas

  1. Let them go....Let them go.... Let them go.... Let them go.....What the hell, we all ride like this, give them a ticket, mark there file, and let them go back to work. What they do off duty doesnt change how they do there job. If we were all judged for what we did while we were not working Half of you would be in BIG trouble and the other half, well maybe all of us would be in big troulble.... Jason, good luck.

  2. Chrome.

    My truck got broken into at 1030 in the afternoon in my driveway of my house. This asshole cleaned me out too. They took almost 5000 $ worth of stuff out of my truck. I cant beleive people are not questioning what the hell is going on now days. I cant beleive the balls of some people. I wish I would of caught this one.... I wouldn't be here writing this right now....

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