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Everything posted by yotaman88210

  1. Why the hell would you take stickers off? Hell, just paint your shit flat black if thats what youre going for. I think it looks good, rearsets and all. The silver on the rearsets makes them stand out. Awesome bike. Someone from the board should get one!
  2. Basically ben, your going to put your rotor in a device, such as a static wheel balancer and spin it. You then put the guage around it... kinda like a c-clamp, hell you could even use a c-clamp. With this around it you want it as close to the edges of the rotor w/o touching. then spin. If it touches in some spots or in an extreme case wobbles, then the rotor is warped.
  3. hahaha! That is hilarious! :lol:
  4. Remember guys and gals, this starts one week from today!! Soooo get your shit ready to go, if it isnt already!
  5. I hear yota can change tires. No but seriously, $20 per tire off the bike is pretty cheap. If you ride the bike over and have someone follow with the tires it is more money for the obvious reasons of having to take the time to get the wheels off. If it was just me I would love to hook people up more but then I would be getting screwed out of my time... So its prolly a good thing its not just me. Have someone help you get your wheels off, borrow stand for a day if you dont have them, then bring the wheels over. If I start doing shit for free, its not fair to me... Not to sound like an ass at all. Its just the truth, happen to me last year a few times when I was driving around and working on people's shit. Got stiffed a few times.
  6. Morse code? Are you fucking serious. This game is crazy. Decoding...
  7. ha Im still gonna take your bike mang. Just having some fun with ya. You may all continue to laugh at my stupid lowside in the driveway. It is very funny!
  8. Damn, interesting. Stuck on level 4... I aint that bright
  9. This is what I did. My mom has been a nurse since she was 18... She was not happy but, after a month or two it was cool again! Also... Ben whats your last name? Im an 04 Oldandscrungy Gradumuate. PM me if you cant disclose the info Publicly
  10. Yea, untwist the princess panties!
  11. So tell me Joe... How exactly is your bike gettin to Ducati of Indianapolis this weekend again? Oh yea thats right... Im taking it, or am I?
  12. What you talking about woman!?? Im always sexy, you just wish the hair on my chin was in between your legs!
  13. Matt DID indeed get an R... We actually un-crated it and put it together when I was there two weeks ago... GORGEOUS!!!! Bike
  14. HAHA. Thats awesome. Im sure its a joke. i want to call and talk to him... I just may
  15. I do them for a 100 bones on the bike... If you borrow stands and get the wheels/tires to me off the bike, then its 20 per tire. Sooo 40 total.
  16. Damn you wernt joking when you said short. ha. Compared to all your other vidds I was thinking short was gonna be at least 3 minutes.
  17. Hmm. Not sure If I want the blue. I will think about it. PM me price
  18. Yea, we were discussing this one on the desmo board. Still waiting on a Price. Should be interesting. Looks badass!! About time BMW got its shit together!
  19. hahaha. There are hundreds in columbus. This is like saying the mcdonalds on high and woodruff or is there another mcdonalds. Not trying to bust testicles or anything. I just thought it was funny.
  20. All scratched are sanded. ass. They werent deep at all
  21. Ha, discount. Youre fooking hilarious! Only discount is on a 2 day event. If you find a discount let us all know!
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