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Status Updates posted by yotaman88210

  1. I was stalking your profile and butterfly kisses came on. You have some classics on your list. Some make me do this...> :lol::D

  2. No problem! Let me know if you need anything else!

  3. thats a good possibility. I dont think my friend is coming down to visit and im off work at 830 friday morning so I will just meet ya back at my house then. Ill let you know for sure tomorrow

  4. Seriously... Do some facking HW!!! Why for are you awake!>?

  5. Apparently your referrals are the most... Congratulations. I owe you a prize! Cookie?

  6. Got it home slice!!

  7. Monitor works great! Displays pron very nicely! :D

  8. Just been busy with work man. shit has been crazy! Give me a call sometime. We need to take the dogs to the oval! :D

  9. Im trying to get a little person bike man! I really want to be out there with you guys this year. I had a blast last year and I will actually be able to afford this racing. Im thinking about going with an xr100. Just not sure yet

  10. haha. Its just funny. I dont even remember a PW80. ha. Thats awesome! :D

  11. Ok, im gonna walk away from this one. No sense in even trying :lol: ....

  12. Nope not me. Shit I wish haha. They just have lots of good beers and they are close to me so I frequent the place! Great Jagr bombs too! They be BIG!

  13. Its all good. Im sure Ill still be around next week. Any plans for the weekend?

  14. :eek: Wow. Well happy birthday to your mom!! costumes and drinking at 7am... im beyond jealous! haha. Well I am most likely going to the point of cedar for the halloween thing they do. Ive never been up for that and it sounds like a good time. Im doing that saturday. The rest of the weekend will prolly be chill time and um, laundry :(
  15. call you what? SeCksi? :dunno:

  16. the tire changer is in gahanna. To make an appt call Chris at 614-560-7553. :)

  17. Of course I know Chris....

  18. Happy Birthday mang!!!

  19. Just wanted to throw it out there that if no one had dibs on the chick in your avatar, she is MINE!!! :D

  20. hmmm. Well today I have to meet with some some guy that wants to see my MRI machine, and tomorrow I have a meeting/tour of some new area most of the day... But, sometime next week will work! :D

  21. Hmmm... Who is it ? Im confused

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