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Status Updates posted by yotaman88210

  1. haha. Thats pretty funny. Um I might have been drunk posting last night. Oooppps

  2. That would be cool. My parents have an old school juke box in their basement, plays 45 records, and that song is one of many on there. I use to have parties in grade school and that use to be the "slow song" we would dance too. haha

  3. What kind of puppy did you get?

  4. Damn and youre only 21... fresh meat!!

  5. Well I guess this is a good week to be bike less :D

  6. What you doing for halloween?

  7. that is a giant man you are sitting on! Is that your dad? I hear he is pretty beastly! :eek:

  8. Cool, I miss my lotus. I dont get to see her anymore. Her and Jonni are a package deal :(

  9. questions huh? Im scared! :eek:

  10. Hey there! First of all, congratulations on earning more points than me :D

    Second... We are gonnna need to see the videos you took. :lol: nice talking to ya! Thanks for the good laughs

  11. The fuel pet cock isnt in yet. Well I havent received the call yet. Could be in today. But it was just ordered sunday so it usually takes a few days.

  12. Im going to a party tonight. Should be a good time! Super hott costume huh... you should come with me! :D haha

  13. whats your costume, I forget. Is it like a girls gone wild type thing?

  14. You never know. haha Looks doubtful at this point. :dunno:

  15. Good work!! I still dont know what Im gonna do. Im pissed cuz I love halloween and cant think of anything. I will prolly just go buy something today.

  16. way to bring back the HUGE HEAD!! haha. love it!

  17. Well apparently your funniez are greater than mine. You gots more points. :D But yea, you tube is gonna be the best option to load those videos. Create an account if ya dont have one. Its worth it... and YOU are the awesome one. yep yep

  18. here is columbus, well Pickerington actually

  19. Two hours!! Oh noes! I have been there. I think no sleep is better than 2 hours. Just depends I guess. Well get some sleep tonight chell!! Like more hours than you can count on one hand! For reals!

  20. You have to do the lost password option. They re did the website. Its actually a lot better than it was... but its no OR ;)

  21. yea we have a few. Check out Desmohio.com too. Thats our local Ducati Club :D

  22. ouch. Yea that might not be a good idea. Especially all the drinking that will happen tonight. Actually, your boss just called me, he said you could have the day off tomorrow. :lol:

  23. Yea that would suck. 2 hour drive still drunk and hung over all at the same time. That doesnt sound fun at all.

  24. Does a bear shit in the woods?

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