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Posts posted by Balian

  1. Its so funny to hear everyone say, "Oh, I hope they get out and he shoots them." I think everyone missed the point where he said the he could drag them into his basement and torture them till they beg to die. I am not a big fan of torture, but in this case, it would totally do the trick. These guys don't deserve the fast death..
  2. so if she's 18 what's the big deal?


    Oh and some of you are a little confused on the consent laws. The parents can still have you arrested


    This is the shit that kills me. Why aren't the parents keeping tab on their kids? Turn 18 and you think you own the damn place. Personally, I would kill my daughter and have another one that looks just like her, if this was my daughter. I blame the parents.


    From a guys point of view.. Hit that shit as much as you can before she turns into a whiny bitch..

  3. Have you called the cops? I'm pretty sure that they will tell you this is a civil matter and to take it to court. They won't do shit.


    If she has payed rent and has a mailing address, you'll have to go through the whole eviction process if she refuses to leave.


    If it was me, I'd seek real legal counsel.



    Again, no proof of paying rent.

  4. You guys like the Google maps better than Vz Nav?


    Yes. I don't know about anyone else, but on my storm it tried to make me pay for it.


    Also, fubar123 told me about Tilltris. That is one hella fun game for the storm.


    I am about to try and get a copy of Wolfenstien RPG for the storm. That game just looks sick.

  5. Can anyone recommend a good realitor? I am coming back to Ohio and I really want to see about getting a House or Town Home. I do not have access to the apartment guide up there and the online services only do you so much.


    So if you know of a good one, hit me up with a name, number, and company.



    Any tickets/ accidents.


    Or how many points if any on your license?



    What? That is a damn good rate. It actually boils down to credit score. I was paying 1200 a year on a buell xb12r with a perfect record. LOL

  7. From the sounds of it, it would take a person a good while and a lot of tools to get the job done to the extent that was reported, not to mention the time frame to work in.


    Think about it. How much prep time would you need for the tools, how many tools would you need, and how would you get the cow out solo. Seems like this would take more than just one night.

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