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Everything posted by Balian

  1. Balian

    Nitto 1320

    Yup. Your owned by Insight. lol
  2. Balian

    Nitto 1320

    Linn, I was readin on their forum and they said to delete all versions of nitto that are on your pc...Search to, cause there might be one hidden somewhere. Reboot, and the redownload the new version. That should fix the prob.. And I have hacked the game so we have some crazy cash....anyone want in? lol
  3. Damn..I guess I am going to be stuck as just a user then..ROFL...
  4. Almost makes ya wanna be a newbie again, hu. AHAHAHAH
  5. Wow....I didn't even want to see that shit...Can't you die from that. We should do that to all prisoners of war..ROFL.. j/k
  6. Balian


    HAHAHAHAHAAH..That is great..
  7. Balian


    um.....dayum...we have a CR Sales guy. hahahah
  8. Balian


    Welcome to the site..Another biker chick hu..Good deal.
  9. Balian

    Nitto 1320

    TTT...Anyone else??
  10. Where was the fight? I knew I left to early.. lol
  11. The name says it all...You just don't know. lol
  12. Yea, I grew up on these when I lived in TX. They are pretty good. I found one on Rt 92 on my way to Ironton, OH and I know there is one in Middletown.. Kinda screwed up how they will air their commercial but wont give you a location.
  13. Not to long ago..Something about cloning pets or something like that. I remember laughing my ass off when I saw it the first time..I think the title was called, This cannot be right!!"
  14. Want a rematch on the bike, do ya? lol
  15. Damm man..Owned by bad luck is one shitty way to be.. At least your okay. Time to get another car!
  16. Balian

    Im back

    Hey, wassup fool. I remember you. hahaha How's the buell going for ya? Mine got stolen..
  17. Balian

    Nitto 1320

    Yea, there is no way to go without the mouse. Linn, I used to have that problem too. Never did figure out what the hell was causing it. I ended up just trying it on my other puter.. Your not on an alienware are you? That is the one that was giving me probs.
  18. Balian

    Nitto 1320

    Check your applications..I already did..hahaha
  19. Balian

    Nitto 1320

    How the hell do you cheat on that game??
  20. Balian

    Nitto 1320

    Well, yall need to get back on there..
  21. Balian

    Nitto 1320

    If anyone is still playing, looks me up. I have a CR team on there...Repping any car but civic! lol If you want to play go here to download. http://www.nitto1320.com/ hehehe..Hooked yet again. Username - Ironray75
  22. Mine doesn't care as long as both are paid off. If one car is being financed then it has to be insured no matter what..
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