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Everything posted by JaSSon

  1. It still takes forever to boot. Fawkin Windows Sidebar. But good lookin out. I wonder why SP1 just kinda snuck out. i figured M$ would have hyped it up.
  2. I believe mike did this once. But with ever clear. And a MUCH bigger slug. ....the slug didn't make it.
  3. JaSSon

    xbox 360 RROD

    I'm planning on letting M$ do it. If the box doesnt arrive today I;m going to call and give them hell. I plan on demanding a new Xbox with the falcon chipset. I'm already on my 2nd 360.
  4. JaSSon

    xbox 360 RROD

    Besides sending it back to M$, what's the actual repair method? Link to a walk-through? Mine RRoD'ed and I've been waiting on the shipping box for over a week.
  5. Just go buy an xbox 360 controller. They are USB. No adaprot required. Windows will automatically download drivers for it.
  6. looks like someone ripped off a lambo front end and crtl-c, ctrl-v'ed the corvetter logo into the hood.
  7. I've seen your car before. I was behind you in line at BK one day. Car sounds healthy. mods?
  8. You need a new "e". It's kind of bubbly.
  9. WTF was up with the top fuel burnout?
  10. I saw a firetruck with black tape across the badge on the door. I figured there was a death but i hadnt heard about it.
  11. Ah-HAHAHAHAH! Bubb Rubb was there!
  12. Did they steal a bunch of those little bottles of booze?
  13. I thought the new Crossfire didn't require a bridge. What are you running now?
  14. Yeah, that's just slightly faster than stock. At that speed I'd doubt it has gears. But the easy way to check, stock 3.27s will turn 2000RPM at 70mph
  15. You should seperate your CPU fan duct from your giant blower motor. You're just going to be stealing the CPU fan's thunder with them sucking from the same intake. You have a boost leak.
  16. You shoulda used a K&N. Didn't you see the ping-pong display in Autozxone? MOAR AIR FLOW!
  17. Pfffft. Quiet BrAIn. That STI looks hawt. I'll be looking for ya.
  18. http://docs.google.com/ Select new document, then file, then "New airplane"
  19. Found this on that site. haha. Winnar! I remember a rap song lyric: "Fuck a whore with a knife" This shouild be your new wallpaper.
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