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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Very nice, very nice. Congrats on the new ride bro.
  2. The one that begins with the explanation of the currency and it's main goal in producing debt? I saw just the beginning and it looks really interesting. I have it bookmarked I think and I meant to go back and watch it when I have the chance. Thanks for the reminder Gonna try and watch it tonight after I get my papers written.
  3. does that mean you're gay? I'm confused. Cuz that looks like woman between his legs to me. Are you saying you would rather it be a guy? Like most Kawi riders prefer?
  4. Yeah man good to hear you're OK. At least it was your friends bike right?
  5. Just another reason to own a Honda!
  6. "Naturally, the common people don't want war, but after all, it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag people along whether its a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country." -Hermann Goering. Hitler's Reich-Marshall at the Nuremberg Trials after WWII.
  7. So I was going to originally post a motorcycle vid in the pics and vid section, but I got distracted for about 2 hours with all the other vids. http://www.liveleak.com/
  8. Sorry man, but you are what's wrong with this country. You're so brainwashed and uniformed it's scary.
  9. 1st - Obama didn't say "God damn America" that his attention whore ex-pastor said it. And frankly have you walked out side and seen your fellow Americans and what our politicians are doing...I think I've muttered the same words myself more than a few times. I grew up a military brat, am ex-military and my wife is ex military too, but you can go ahead try and question my patriotism if you want for saying the same thing on occasion. 2nd - It was the National Anthem that he didn't put his hand over his heart...not the pledge. It's old military custom to put your (hat)hand over your heart. Modern custom does not state you should. I don't, I stand respectfully and at games (accompanied by a few early beers) I'll often sing along. Next - Seriously a flag pin?? Guess what, I think flag pins, those stupid ribbons and whatnot are seriously retarded. You don't show your patriotism and support through fashion statements. As for "Mission Accomplished" you might want to get off of Bush's nuts, quit watching Fox News and dreaming about giving daily rim jobs to those hacks Hannity and Limbaugh. That statement isn't taken out of context and came out of his mouth along with the words stating that it was the end of major combat operations in Iraq. They guy is a moron. My friends that have been over 3-4 times and the fact that 96% of the casualties there have occurred after that speech would disagree. By the way I'm not an Obama supported as I haven't made up my mind who exactly I would like to throw my support behind come November. Could I end up voting for him? Sure, not 100% decided yet though. People who write the completely spun bullcrap like you did are what is wrong with America today.
  10. That vid is very cool. We know a guy that is part of the graffiti team that did The EPC Racing building and a building up near Tipp City. We've actually thought about having those guys come over and do the inside of our garage.
  11. That's what passes as informative? It looks like nothing more than a Barack Obama smear video
  12. Wouldn't be surprised to see ICON marketing them soon.
  13. Thanks! What he said. I'll add that static and assisted freefalls are generally done by those looking to get their licenses at some point. During each progressive jump you practice skills to move to the next. I've seen some people go through the 1st day course to do the static line just for fun though.There is a Tandem training method taught at a bunch of places also. If you are going out to do it just once (or twice) just for fun though I think tandem is easily the best route. No real class time, just some instruction with the JM and off you go. You have someone strapped to you so you don't have to worry about a ton of stuff and get to just enjoy the trip with someone else at the controls basically. If there is someone available I would recommend paying for a vid guy to get both stills and vid if you can.
  14. Thanks! Been racking my head to remember their name to add it to the list.
  15. Meh maybe I was spoiled by growing up a military brat and eating at neighbors houses where some of them have only been in the country at most a few years and still make everything the same way they did back home. Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, German, Filipino... Not to mention going to eat in parts of China Town in SF most weekends when I lived out there. PF Changs is mostly a big bag of suck comparatively.
  16. My cube mates are wondering why I'm laughing so hard.
  17. I've used Southside in Moraine for little things in the past and their service is decent. There's a Kawi place down in Kettering off Wilmington (I think) that I've heard a few decent things about also. Not sure about the shop down in Middletown but they are always too busy it seems in their service department. My Dad even had a problem with them getting the service in and done on his Boulevard. Problem is around here you will always here one shop talking crap about another.
  18. Found it. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5417019303200331106
  19. I have video somewhere of my wife's first tandem jump somewhere. If I can find it I'll post it up. I don't have any of mine anymore I don't think though. Have never done a tandem, just 1 static and 11-12 assisted freefalls.
  20. Yeah but the first jet powered birdman flight was like 2 1/2 years ago. The team used jets attached to boots I think and a regular birdman suit. It's almost cheating to strap a glider to your back. Does look like fun though.
  21. If they are that close when they get next to you they were too close when they decided to get within a couple of feet of your tire with their bumper. It's your lane, you have to defend it. People need to learn to give others a little more space whether it's riders or drivers. Nothing pissed me off more than people that squeeze past or tailgate. Drivers get worse and worse these days.
  22. Yeah it usually means they are close enough to me that I kick their the front of their cars to say Hi.
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