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Everything posted by snredrum

  1. HAHA Congrats!!!! I went through the exact same thing today. I went to Hinds as well and talk about easy!!!! I was there 10 minutes and they beat the deal I had and even showed me where they got there numbers from. Unlike having to talk to the boss's boss at MoC. That was lame. I will pick up my bike tomorrow. I will let you know how it goes. So far they are WAY better!
  2. Haha, its ok to rant a little. I am chosing it because I have found most riders my height find it the most comfortable. And also, the suzuki promotion is pretty appealing right now.
  3. It was a GSXR 600. I know I know, it is a high demand bike. But they had about 10 of them.
  4. I just left Motorsports of Columbus. And first off they were trying to charge me $200 over MSRP. Come on now, that's just bad business. So far I am not too satisfied with them. They seemed like an old school car dealer. Even had the manager come out and do his thing. They only thing is, the shop looks great and everything is new.
  5. If you do end up parting it out could you please let me know. Thank you
  6. I remember seeing those on a beetle years ago.
  7. well, if you are open to condos I know a few people who sell for village communities and for today homes. I can get you a phone number if you want. I work for Trinity Homes but I don't have anything in the 100k range.
  8. The SE-R is awesome. And if you want to add performance stuff on it you can always do that too with the VQ motor. (i.e. turbo's) If you do want to purchase a new one, shoot me a PM and I will set you up with someone and get you a sweet deal.
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