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Everything posted by 04r1

  1. 04r1

    WTB: DA Polisher

    Model and price? Thanks
  2. Looking for a DA polisher. Porter Cable, Rupes, Meguiars, etc. Anybody selling?
  3. Exactly! What's another 18k when you are buying a vehicle of this caliber.
  4. Best thing on S&W menu is the burger. Merlot >*
  5. How would someone use your points for a purchase?
  6. Would buy couch if you decide to split this up.
  7. Pm me your number and I can send pics. We have lots of gently used stuff.
  8. Can we blow it up with tannerite?
  9. Said Aventador SV was spotted in the rain yesterday on Polaris at Firebirds.
  10. I'm sure you have some Hornady Superformance Match 178gr you want to give away cheap too right?
  11. 04r1

    Free scrap metal

    Drive by and push it out on the curb at your house? Lol
  12. 04r1

    Free scrap metal

    You want the hot water tank too
  13. 04r1

    Free scrap metal

    I have a hot water tank that needs junked
  14. From what I understand, yes. Maybe his are not. Just worth checking. I have Garth floor tickets for Saturday and the only option to buy them was credit card entry.
  15. Most tickets are credit card entry for Garth Brooks. Just a heads up for the buyer and seller.
  16. I have a feeling he owes other people money too and avoids signing for anything.
  17. Good luck getting the person to sign for the letter in the mail. I have someone who owes me a few grand and they have served the home address and he won't sign so I can't proceed.
  18. Olentangy schools here. If our school levy passes to build the 4th high school, my taxes go up about $750 a year. Taxes = lol
  19. Anyone looking to get rid of a weight bench with steel weights? May be interested in other equipment too except an elliptical.
  20. 04r1

    AWD or 4WD?

    I had a 2004 trailblazer that when in auto 4x4, would clunk when the rears slipped and the fronts engaged. Did that since it was new and was told that's normal. For that reason I always ran it in 4x4 Hi in the snow. My 15 Silverado in auto 4x4 is super smooth. No noise and can't really tell when it engages. It feels like an AWD vehicle. I have never put it in 4x4 Hi or Lo.
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