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Posts posted by turbomark

  1. Once again your chart doesn't show anything, it merely shows that the Dow Jones averages increased during a certain period of time, it doesn't attribute it to actual economic growth or inflation. Even if it is inflation adjusted it doesn't take into account what sectors of the economy grew and which declined.

    Remember the middle class and lower classes have to have money to spend in order for trickle down economics to work. You can give all the tax cuts to GM/Ford/Chrysler that you want but they aren't going to be able to provide jobs when Joe Average can't afford that shiny new Silverado. It works when the economy is going well but for a tool to rescue the economy trickle down economics is quite disastrous.

  2. Not to get to far off topic, but your comment that its been proven time and time again that it trickle down doesn't work its not correct.

    Look at this 100 yr dow jones chart. Take note of when Reagan took office and when "Reaganomics" started.



    From this is looks like something worked. It also shows that history is likely to repeat itself most of the time as well. If you wanna continue this lets go to another thread though.


    It also shows that the economy was well on its way to trouble before bush even took office. 2-3 yrs infact. All part of the mortgage scams, corp book cooking, and a bunch of other dirty shit that someone "wonder who" let happen.




    Who controlled congress at that time? If you honestly believe that the "free market" has done us well over the past few years I encourage you to let me know, and provide me examples of how it has worked. There have been actual studies done by actual economics professors that have proven that trickle down economics doesn't work, your silly little chart shows nothing. A 100 year chart pressed into a 3 inch diagram cannot possibly show how the economy has worked compared to the party that was running it. The economy was on it's way down not because of the mortgage crisis but because of the tech market crash in 98. And if it was a part of the mortgage scams like you think then why hasn't your party done anything about it? Go ahead and start a new thread.

  3. I won't vote for the elephant party simply because they believe in trickle down economics and it has been proven time and again that it just plain doesn't work. McCain hasn't come up with a single solitary economic plan, except cutting taxes to business so they can afford to create more jobs, or in the more likely sense create more jobs overseas and pocket the money from not paying American workers.
  4. Me and a coworker filled my bosses entire office with plastic moving crates, front to back floor to ceiling... he couldn't even walk through the door. That's what he got for telling the entire department that there was going to be a large corporate meeting today and that everyone had to dress in business professional attire.
  5. I have a hard time believing that anyone would like a pos cougar enough to hang a cougar poster on their garage wall. In fact I think it would be cooler if the poster was instead a poster of cute fluffy kittens. But good pick up on the legacy, you'll like it lots. Oh and on subarus don't replace the speakers first, replace the stereo first. The speakers sound pretty alright when hooked to a stereo that puts out more than 5 watts/channel.
  6. I am not sure were you are confused... Profane book = no read. It is very simple.


    Why should I allow my kids to read a book that takes the Lords name in vein, when I teach them hold Christ at the highest? That would be contradictory tell them to read it.


    I don't allow my kids to watch TV that has bad language in it, why is a book any different?


    This is no different that having an Atheist's kid read the book of Romans. Parents teach the kids their is no God, book of Romans says there is and he loves you. Situation is just reversed.


    If you are so against everything anti-bible why are you a member of a forum where people regularly cuss like sailors, set up illegal activities, post pornographic pictures, and generally talk about all matter of immoral activity? Shouldn't you be on a bible forum or something a bit more "faith friendly"? Remember the bible also spoke about having slaves, having multiple wives, murder, adultery, all matter of sins. Hell even some of its greatest "heroes" were horrible people by todays standards. I'm sure you know the story of Samson, he wasn't exactly an angel (if you actually believe everything that happened in the old testament)

  7. They blew it up as a military exercise akin to the Chinese taking out a satellite last year. AKA the governments version of a clay pigeon, who's to say it was even a real satellite to begin with? Anyone else want to drink the kool-aid? We now know we can take out satellites with missiles.
  8. Rap: Biggie- Ready to Die

    Rock (modern): sublime- 40oz to freedom

    Rock (classic): toss up Rush-2112 or Led Zeppelin-II (Led Zeppelin by far the greatest by their entire body of work, pretty much any of their albums could be called the greatest rock album of all time)

    Electronic/dj- toss up Fatboy Slim- On the Floor at the Boutique or Daft Punk- Discovery

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