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Everything posted by lis9400

  1. lis9400

    Bye Bye Ohio

    lol yeah 2 years or so ago there was a ice storm in april.
  2. lis9400

    Bye Bye Ohio

    Its been 2 lol. My bf has been here sence January. I just dont like it here, I miss my friends and cant stand the way people drive hahaha,( I dont understand whats so hard about using your turning signal when switching lanes of the expressway, or let alone looking before you change lanes :roll: ) therefore Id never ride my bike around here. I miss Ice storms in April oh and the beach.
  3. lis9400

    Bye Bye Ohio

    Oh I highly doubt I will stop posting, because I know we will be back in the area as often as we can. The bfs mom is here. Its just well....this place is nothing like home lol. I miss being able to walk to the beach!
  4. lis9400

    Bye Bye Ohio

    Well our stay here in good ol Ohio is comming to a end this weekend. We are moving back to Rochester, we miss our bikes, friends and Family. Too bad never got to meet any of you! Have Fun, Ride Safe (or atleast try too)
  5. lis9400


    We are Off Hubbard.
  6. HAHAHA I really dont think puffy hair qualifys as Emo.
  7. Emo=emotional Emo is: -A label for emotional people -A subgenre of rock -A style of clothing Emo is NOT: -goth -punk -a mix of the above The Label: Emo is used to describe very emotional kids. They tend to cry a lot, and fall in love easily. The Music: The melodic sounds of emo originiated from punk, except the lyrics are... well... emotional, and tend to dwell on feelings and relationships. Some genres of emo are: ~Screamo ~Post emo indie ~emocore ~Emo hardcore Some emo bands don't have band shirts or anything to promote the band and thus die out quickly. sometimes, they don't even put track labels on their CD's. The Style: ~Clothes~ -Studded belts -Tight girl pants (boys and girls) -Band T-shirts ~Hair~ Girls: Swept in the front, a dark or red color. sometimes highlighted or has chunks in it Boys: Swept in the front, spiked in the back, a dark or red color. sometimes highlighted or has chunks in it. They usually tend to cut it themselves. and look like this.... Or here is a EMO Kid wanna be, who needs to be shot. But the Girl in the cowboy hat on the other hand....... :wink:
  8. We have people comming down from Rochester to go with us. They may or may not be bring bikes down with them...its up in the air as of right now.
  9. His name is Pokey...he is a 3 year old African Pygmy Hedgehog.
  10. lis9400


    they already saved me in a "just in case" It needs to be lowered and i tipped it over on myself trying to turn my first time ever on a bike....I decided that I could be turned around after that. .... than we hit up a back road...where I worked on my stopping and going and shifting. Ive got that down pretty well. but learning is a process.We are going to wait for turning and corners till the bike is lowered so i feel more comfortable.
  11. lis9400


    Picked her up saturday. 2003 R6. Yes the Chrome windscreen is going My R6 and the Bf's R1
  12. ew go away! I mean welcome!! :wink:
  13. lis9400


    uh huh...... :wink: oOoo maybe she will hump my leg, roll reversal! Sorry... Leg humping isnt my thing.
  14. lis9400


    uh huh...... :wink:
  15. lis9400


    yeah and geeez I didnt even post it on here.
  16. lis9400


    thats such a awful pic! but it makes me look really tall. I'm only 5'1 but here is a better one! Couldnt help it sorry, thats what we came out of the house to find last weekend when we where in Roch. Thats the Bf's bike. http://www.myspace.com/lis9400 <--myspace
  17. the boyfriend and I are going and a few friends from home are comming out for it. We are driving though no riding. His bike is still in NY, he is waiting till I get a bike and/ or we friend people to ride with to bring it down.
  18. Just wondering if anyone is going to this?
  19. lis9400


    thanks everyone! no leghumping please!!
  20. lis9400


    hey Im new to the Ohio, live in Galloway w/ the boyfriend who has a yamaha R1. Im looking for a R6, so if anyone knows of anything please let me know. We moved here recently from Rochester, Ny. I was sent here by hotcarl.
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