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Posts posted by ThaFrozenGixxer

  1. water can also get in the tank if you dont plug the...damnit....we just went over how to wash bikes today...I know it's dumb but some people had no clue on how to wash bikes....and they are going to be tech's.....remember that when you go to a dealership...lol but it can get in the gas tank true like a relief valve or something along those lines...sorry I can't be specific...long week getting screwed over by the school seems they like to take your money but not give you money they owe you. also it could get into the carb if you dont have a tight seal... around the carb. But those are just words from a tech in training....sorry again for my lack of technical jargin.

  2. Thats the problem I am down to do whatever kind of riding. Don't really stunt I am more of a go fast drag my knee kinda guy...lol and as for the time and place...umm....I don't know where down there but I will let youguys know for sure within the next few days....

    Satan...you said you were sendin the number and I got the pm but you forgot the number...lol

  3. I am going to school to be a motorcycle tech and the worst thing in the world you can do is wash a bike with a power washer!!!!!!!!! If you did that there is a good possiblity you sprayed alot of the necessary lubricant and such from your engine along with getting water around your plugs and fouling them up. Also you could have blown some gaskets or seals that create compression in your cylinders...all of which is a bad thing..lol But without hearing the bike run or lacj there of starting I can't say much more then only use a regular hose no power washers...lol they are the devil for bikes. But good luck with your issue if you haven't resolved it yet.

  4. Ok so I am new to the sight been here for like 2 weeks now. I am from northeastern ohio. Well I have a few friends in Columbus and am planning on traveling down that way next weekend. I am riding because it seems to go by much faster when I do that...lol well anyways none of them ride but it's always cool when I see people down there riding wishing I was rollin with them. Would anyone be interested in going for a small or however long ride we can stand while I am down there? Let me know throw a PM my way if your down please.

  5. I am actually lookin at going to columbus this weeekend I was getting ready to post it up to see if anyone is down to ride...because I know like 4 people down there and none of them ride but I am so down to ride all the way to cbus and then ride more....lol And I will keep everyone posted on the new paint job and my boys F4i I am gettin ready to touch as well..lol

  6. I actually didnt graduate from Elyria....I went to amherst but dont hold that against me..lol And my Gixxer is getting bored out this winter so she won't be as slow as you may think...lol I graduated in 01 if you graduated around then do you know the ripley's those are my boys...big dumb animals they are...lol

  7. Hey whats up everyone? I was on myspace and had ohioriders.net as a friend so I figured I should come check out the sight. I am from Elyria it's bout an hour and a half depending on how fast your movin on 71 from columbus. So if anyone is from my neck of the woods or is visiting up here look me up. A little bout me I am going to the powersport institute in cleveland we are takin over the motorcycle industry. AMI and MMI are just messing up big time harley yamaha and Kawi are all pulling out of the schools atleast thats the rumor from a reliable source. So if your interested in hearing more about the school let me know. And I do custom paint I am currently in the process of painting my 02 GSXR I will get pics up when complete. Anyways its always nice to meet new people with the same interests as myself in different cities. Hope to hear from you guys.

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