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Are there any powder coaters in central Ohio who apply cermakrome? Thanks!
Riding east of Columbus?
"Poor people buy everything twice." Quality costs more but it lasts longer. Keep this old saying in mind when you shop at Harbor Freight. Try usaweld.com you can order MIG and TIG training videos from them and see which system is right for what you want to do. Here is a Popular Mechanics article on some Hobart welders. Check out the Hobart site here.
Go to Stations Inn, North Carolina. It's right on the Blue Ridge Parkway. From there you can head south a hundred miles to the Dragon (no need to) or north to Marlinton and WV16. You get there by taking 23 South and turning left just before you get to the Tennessee line or you can take 10 across WV which will kick your rear. http://stationsinn.com/index-a.html
Chance of a lifetime! Don't miss this air show. There will be over 100 P-51 Mustangs there! 1650 cubic inch V12 motors putting out 1695HP. 437MPH. One of the best fighters of WW2. 15,000 made, less than 300 left. Chances are that we will never see this many of these historic airplanes together again.
Incorrect tire pressure? Yes. Over inflated? No Under inflated? Yes Dunlop has a lot of information on site. Check out the FAQ and the info center I am led to believe that I should be running higher pressure than normal because I am a lot bigger than normal. (Like riding 2 up all of the time.) It's new tires for me and a pressure check every day. Thanks for the input. Of the boards I have posted this on this is the only one where some members were astute enough to present reasonable explanations.
Checked a BMW with the same tires here at work today. Same wear but to a far lesser degree (and many more miles on them.) I may be a bit lazy about keeping on top of my air pressure but this guy is an engineer and motorcycle instructor for the state. I suspect that I am the major cause of this problem but the Metzlers may have played there part too.
Try this link. http://bp3.blogger.com/_sUhkgxi-lu0/Rt66ROXj9pI/AAAAAAAAAB4/Qf_Pb5Aevec/s1600-h/tire4.JPG
I'll try to repost the pictures somewhere else. The tires are scalloped on both sides. A lot of rubber is scrapped off. The center is the high point, the transition is jagged all the way around. Easy to see and, easy to feel with your finger. Looks more like I was always leaning over and never upright.
3 months old, 4800 miles. Look at this picture of the front. No odd camera angles or lighting, that is the way they look, front and rear. I believe it is called scalloping.
Not interested in the bar myself. Just have to get back to Clark's sometime. Always a brace of Harley's sitting across the street at the bar.
Clark's is a genuine road house, the kind Alton Brown would stop at on 'Feasting on Asphalt'. Biker bar right across the street too.
Just down the road from the AMA museum. Visit the museum, do the poker run, eat at Clark's in Jacksontown. http://www.clarksdiningroom.com/
Friday morning probably. Look for a flamed 4 door dually with a Caddy grill and shaved doors, slammed of course, Suzuki G, Kawasaki Zephyr and black rat ZX9R. The kids had a great time last year. The deputies took the golf cart away from them for cruising after 10. The younger nephew got mad and tried to walk home to Columbus. The older nephews wife tried to teach the cops how to spell, which they didn't much care for. This stopped when they asked her if she knew the way to the county lockup. If anyone is interested Mansfield Speedway is not too far away and they have Saturday night racing. Chris
AMA Vintage Days Mid Ohio on the same date.
Workdays: 41 miles in, I70, I270 5:30 A.M. 41+ miles out, various roads in Licking County Rides to Mid-Ohio when I'm not camping there Started the year with a 400+ mile jaunt down to NC on 10 in WV. Stupid stupid stupid. Wouldn't trade it for anything. Ride with the kids whenever I can. It's fine to ride just for fun but like writing or playing the guitar or whatever the more you do it the better you are at it. Face it, sooner or later you are likely to have a moment when being better comes in handy.
I've got Stebel Magnum Blasters. 138db, hi and low. Need a relay to wire them in. Might be a little hard to find a place for them inside a sport bike. Check mine out at vintage days or the superbike race.
Gates open at 7 A.M. Friday That is the second best time to be there. Campground will fill up on Friday. Season ticket holders were let in the night before last year. They didn't even check our tickets! Could have spent the whole weekend for the price of a camping pass. They let everyone into a holding field and then tried to trickle us into the campgrounds. Didn't work very well but probably the only way to get a spot back by the trees.
There's one sitting on the side of the road for sale on Rt. 204 between Pickerington and Millersport. Take 70 East, turn right on 310, left on 204, head east. Sorry, don't know how much.
The Car and Driver article is here. http://www.caranddriver.com/features/12554/busted-from-cloud-nine.html
Actually it is a PITA to have a bike up there. Estimated attendance last year was 63,000. That's a lot of bikes, cars and people in one place. But hey, where else can you go and be a part of such a big cycle event? Anyway, I like to watch the races from different corners so I get caught up in it a lot more than most. Everyone else nails down a good spot for the day. My camping gear goes up in a truck. My tent sleeps 6. There is a lot to see and do and I suspect a lot goes on that I don't even know about, and I've been going up there since the 70's. Don't worry about camping, it's a short ride up there. If you live in Columbus it can be a great ride because there are so many other bikes on the road. It's a real bike event not to be missed.