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RC51 John

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Posts posted by RC51 John

  1. My attractive female neighbor is completely paranoid. She thinks I'm following or even stalking her, she is worried that I may be obsessed with her and any time she hears a noise in her house she is...purified? Oh, wait: petrified. Sorry, it's not easy reading a diary through binoculars from a tree.


    Saw this one reddit and had to share.

    I want the Mother / Daughter combo that lives across the street from you. :D

  2. Thank you John for the websters dictionary entry...

    Whatever the definition, Corollary does not equal cause.

    Case in point:

    Everyone with cancer has eaten bread.

    Bread causes cancer.

    Is bread a corollary factor to cancer? On paper, yes. Does bread cause cancer? Not likely.

    Have gun owners killed people? Yes. But owning a gun does not cause you to kill people. I could kill a man with a pen, are we going to start tracking pens as well? I could flip out at work and just start stabbing away with a ball point.

    Should we make a Chuck Norris round house kick illegal? It could kill people, and Chuck Norris might freak out one day and start round housing everything.

    If you're really concerned about personal safety, then outlaw driving. According to the DOT, 33,963 people died on US roads in 2009. That's just fatalities, that doesn't include accidents with no injuries, or debilitating injuries. Driving to and from work is the most dangerous thing you can do. And you want me to be concerned about a few hundred gun related deaths? From a piss poor statistical survey? Not buying it.

    There. I took the liberal bait.

    Bread and cancer is kinda silly is it not. The fact that certain ingredients could have carcinogenic properties does in effect demonstrate that bread causes cancer.

    I really love when the gun nuts pull out things like cars kill people, they should be outlawed too. Blah, blah, blah. The fact is that if were were to "outlaw" vehicles our economy would completely collapse. Banning all firearms would not. So your point is somewhat silly.

    The gun lobby cannot say the issue is Black & White in one statement and in another say it's all shades of gray. That's probably why they are lumped in with the religious right. If you are going to interpret a, article or book you have to include all parts. Not cherry pick the things you like.

  3. If the odds are wrong you might not live with them.

    I mean why doesn't the government step in and start tracking guns and who they are sold to? If we know who has them we could possibly stop another school mass murder. If it weren't for the proliferation of guns through the US then we wouldn't need metal detectors at our schools.

  4. World English Dictionary


    — n , pl -laries

    1. a proposition that follows directly from the proof of another proposition

    2. an obvious deduction

    3. a natural consequence or result

    — adj

    4. consequent or resultant

    [C14: from Latin corollārium money paid for a garland, from Latin corolla garland, from corōna crown ]

    Pfft, I'm not worried about the King of England. I'm worried about the CCW owner who is having a bad day and decides enough is enough. It's not like they have had a complete mental evaluation. Maybe that should be part of the CCW licensing process?

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