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RC51 John

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Everything posted by RC51 John

  1. Nice moderator.gif badge you've got there. :)

  2. I think we should take the cheaters total rep and divide by -3.1415926535897932384626433832795
  3. I'm gonna be working that day so I'm out.
  4. I'm with Isaac's Papa and Fusion on this one. I see no vigilantism here. When approached the guy knew what he did was wrong and decided to take the punishment. Though I wonder what the other options were.
  5. Nice. I've also heard "The Wilds" is pretty cool.
  6. I might be down for some Haunted Hoochie.
  7. RC51 John

    No caption

    Dame them chicks be hot.
  8. Be safe and have a good time.
  9. This guy is a nut, but it's funny as hell.
  10. I believe the song was in Full Metal Jacket also.
  11. After reading the subject, for some reason I knew that was coming.
  12. RC51 John

    OR Design 3

    I like this design.
  13. I can still remember watching the RC30 and RC45 race. I still want a RC30 and RC45, but I love my RC51.
  14. Cool shirts I would wear any of them.
  15. Damn. This sounded like a fun ride. How were the road conditions? Nice curves on 374. Gregg, you should have taken them down 188 to 33?
  16. Wow. that's pretty bad. What a shitty landlord.
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