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RC51 John

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Everything posted by RC51 John

  1. I just sent the link to about 15 people.
  2. You fucker ... I think i peed a little.
  3. There is absolutely no excuse for it. Do that shit with me on a ride and I'll call you on it and I would expect the same in return.
  4. I don have an arsenal like some, but that sounds like fun.
  5. Sell her your 600 and then you can buy a new bike.
  6. I would love to, but have a family gathering I need to attend.
  7. Zombies care not for endorsements or insurance. Of course the type of zombie would dictate the type bike ridden.
  8. Bethany: "16 Candles" John Hughes? Jay: You know him too? That fucking guy. Made this flick "16 Candles" right? Not bad it's got tits in it, but no bush. Of course Ebert over here don't give a shit about that stuff cause he's all in love with this John Hughes guy and rents every one of his movies. Fucking "Breakfast Club" all these stupid kids actually show up to detention, fucking "Weird Science" where this one chick wants to take off her gear and get down, but aw, no she don't cause it's a PG movie, and then there's "Pretty In Pink" which I can't watch with this tubby muthafucker any more, because everytime we get to the part where the red head hooks up with her dream guy, he starts sobbin' like a little eight-year-old with a skinned knee and shit. And nothing is worse then watching a fat man weep.
  9. Yeah, they should stick to accessories. I wonder are they getting rid of all their clearance items to make room?
  10. I gotten 2 before. Spent over 150 at parts and over 150 at the front.
  11. Good to hear your okay. Rt 374 is beautiful and has nice asphalt, serious esses and at least one 180. I drove it in my car last weekend and though this road could take a few riders down.
  12. Did you check out any of the other quiz's?
  13. BUT ... How many five year old children you could fight at once? I could beat up 17 of those little bastards.
  14. Damn, only 58%. Looks like I need to get more canned food and work out some.
  15. RC51 John

    July 4th Ride

    Where we looking at riding?
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