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Posts posted by Kawboy

  1. Yeah, that's real funny. Legs like that ought to be used for a Clorox commercial supporting that skinny stuff, annarxia or something. If I had a kids that loked like that I don't know what I'd do. His Daddy must real proud of that spurt.

    Kawboy and I'm back!

  2. Finally, we have some cold weather entertainment!

    Boy, you know how to stir some shit! I like that. And all this time I thought lox and blox, or whatever, was that new bagel place in bexley. You ought to stick that tampon in sideways more often. This is my side of town, Parsons Ave, fun. No one's got the balls to come down heah to play with us.

    WVA's coming on soon. I got a real game to watch.

    The One!

    The Only!

    The Kawboy!

    I don't do dognuts, I do ass! Is yours next??

  3. Now I'm piss, bitchin, and moanin' about having to be at work at 6:00AM on Saturday morning.

    The life of a working man. I work 60 hours a week mandatory, quitcherbitchinpops!

    That's only five tens Sam. What's so tough about that?

    Hey Pops, don't you have theory on a woman's way of thinking? Let's see you post that one!


  4. Hey, FU! Pops. I'm really tired of you picking on me. Do you have a garge door on yur house to get that ego in? If not you need one, winter's coming and if I was yur dog I wouldnt share my house with you. That Duc rider was right, theird be a bunch more on here if you weren't! Asshole!

    Kawboy :evil:

  5. How kan you hate a hottie like that? She comes complete with the little Catholic School Girl neesocks and dazy dukes. I've really never seen her ride but your trump looks like it's sitting still.

    Can I get on the massive list 2?

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