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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Love those guys.. I posted the Will it blend of the iphone a bit back.
  2. flounder


    Im guessing since its in the intro thread he was referring to him being a "Fresh Fish" to the site.
  3. Same thing happened to my dad.. Ended up with Quintuple bypass. All 4 majors and a minor. My grandma had quadruple bypass as well. Docs tell me its only a matter of time before I join the club due to family history. Good luck and you'll be fine. And make sure to post pics of the teddy bear they give you after the surgery for you to hold tight if you have to cough. Yes Im serious.
  4. I had well over 1 million.. 1,915,925 to be exact....
  5. I was under the impression that if you had a loaded weapon it had to be on your person. I just checked the 09 laws and you are correct that carrying a loaded weapon in a case, aka locked truck is ok as long as you have your chl.
  6. At least its still early in the year so the water hasnt gone stagnant from sitting all summer. Those mud holes and water holes smell like complete shit
  7. It didnt bother me at all. I just laughed and called you names as usual inside my helmet.
  8. flounder

    Skydiving Meet

    If you say so.. Your chute wont do you any good until a min of around 500-1000ft of altitude. All separate incidents of planes carrying skydivers that crash and all died... http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/latest-world-news/tm_headline=us-10-feared-dead-in-skydiving-plane-crash&method=full&objectid=19919447&siteid=50082-name_page.html http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/10/09/plane.crash/index.html http://www.ky3.com/news/local/17962129.html http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/2058045/Honda-skydive-advert-plane-crashes-kills-two.html http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=93669&page=1
  9. Bullshit... what you do is come hauling ass by me on the straights and damn near clip me each time out of the keyhole. If you do it again this year that will make 3 yrs in a row we've had the same exact "o-shit" moment at the same exact spot on the track. Cant wait... fun fun. Prick.... oh yeah and the marked up tires will be on the street bike very very soon.
  10. I hate agreeing with this asswhole but.. Seriously its no different then you and your car, you on your bike, or you doing any of your other hobbies... Look at your avatar and then think for a min.
  11. flounder

    Skydiving Meet

    Wuss... Ill let you hold my gun... Just no punching it.
  12. flounder

    Skydiving Meet

    Any thoughts about skydivegreencounty? Im in for a trip, assuming they let me jump where I left off when getting my class A. I dont really want to do a tandem again.
  13. Eff you Todd.. youll tell me or else I will kick you in the junk next time I see you. :cool:
  14. dropping 15K in a bike verses dropping 60K in a car... Ill take the bike any day of the week.
  15. ROI depends on what caliber your shooting if you want a flat rate round # for ROI. I think when I got into it, I calculated that my reloading setup was paid for in the first 200 rounds of 308 I loaded which was only 2 days at the range for me.
  16. I used to work for sprint. My mom, dad, aunt and uncle either used to work for sprint or still do. Oh and i was part of a very large project for assessing "certain things I legally cant discuss" of verizons wireless network so I know a bit about it as well. You underestimate the capability and capacity of the networks and over estimate the # of people that would switch carriers.
  17. Bullshit.. both Verizon and Sprint would have zero problems.
  18. Check this link out.. It has a detailed howto of how to upload or link to pictures. http://www.ohio-riders.com/faq.php?s=&do=search&q=pictures&match=all&titlesonly=0
  19. Todd, you can just hang out in the pits at the track waiting for me to ball my bike there and then you can come and swipe whats still good for your bike.
  20. I disagree with you 100% here no offense. We have a term for this in the aviation community that you learn when your getting your pilots license and its hammered into your brain. Its called "Get there itis" Aka, you end up flying into bad weather or putting yourself beyond your abilities just to get to your destination. Same thing applies to riders. They want to show they can keep up with the faster riders and end up pushing themselves to where they are not comfortable or capable thus a crash. Same thing happens to the people behind them. Middle riders want to stay with the front and also feel pressured by the back.
  21. These comments are coming from what I have seen on the group rides for the past few years. They have gotten so big that there is no way to know everyone and their abilities. Primary reason why I choose not to go on OR group rides much anymore. And to Tpoppa.. dont worry.. After your comment, I can assure you I wont ride with you.
  22. Ok so here's the deal. I already see all the threads popping up about cornering, tires, suspension, spirited rides, how do I xxxxx, etc and I have to vent about a few things before the season starts. And yes these are in order!!!! 1. GROUP RODE RIDES ARE NOT THE PLACE TO HAVE A D1CK MEASURING CONTEST TO SEE WHO THE FASTER RIDER IS!!! 2. Less experienced riders need to be in the front or else they always try and play keep up and end up crashing, or rear ending people in front of them. (Get this through your phucking heads people. Im sick of everyone always putting the less experienced people in the back on the group rides.) 3. Asking for riding tips on here is ok but remember, there are allot of opinions and opinions are like assholes and they all stink. What works for someone with more experience wont exactly work for you. Best advice you will get is to read "Twist of the Wrist" cover to cover 3times and practice those techniques on your day to day rides. 4. The track is the only place where you can truly and safely learn to ride controlled and fast and the $170 you spend on the track day will get you more experience then the $500 you spend in gas riding through the country roads trying to showoff to your friends. 5. If you crash your bike being a dumbass doing 1 of the above and ask me to haul your balled up pos bike in the bed of my truck since you have a ford festiva, I think im gonna charge people this year... Same thing for helping you rebuild... And last but not least and actually probably the most important thus 1.1 is: #1.1 If you are being a dumbass and you crash me, someone I care about, or a friend of mine, Your bike and your crash injury's will fail in comparison to what I do to you.. The season is upon us people and we have enough problems with cages not seeing us.. Be smart and safe this year.
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