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Everything posted by zx-6bytch96

  1. thank you and i am not sure y thats happening with the reloading issue
  2. do you have so,ething againsy me? you wrote some cruel things on my album pics and i know you probably dont care but i dont appreciate it.. you say hurtful things..
  3. i have a brand new Xenon H.I.D headlight conversion kit for sale it has never been used or even taken out of the box. i had just opened it for the first time to take pictures of it to sale. its jus collecting dust on my shelf. the product number on the box is DAX35DKE. and the wiring tag says H4 if you have any questions or would like to see pictures please contact me $100/obo. i need to get rid of this asap. . thanks
  4. we ended up going but it was kinda boring.. billy and mike raced on the dyno.. mike won but they both red lighted and mike one the first one i don't remember the number but billy's best race was a 10.31 at like 100 and something mph. they are supposed be at big dogs tonight.
  5. you don't feel a cold coming on or anything..lol start fake coughing... well if we get this bike done tonight we are going if we don't shit happens.
  6. hey eric shut your face...lol i forgot i am sorry ..... you going to dyno drags on thursday at whiskey dicks ?
  7. nope !!!..lol if i would of made you cookies then everybody else would've eaten them...lol good excuse huh !!! and you were getting out of hand..lol because i didn't make you them cookies.. ha ha ha i forgot about that party till i talked to you and eric that night. did a lot of people show up there?
  8. ha ha ha well call me next time you do come out . I will make them just for you!!!!..lol did ya'll have fun sat. night?
  9. zx-6bytch96


    ha ha ha ha..
  10. okay Jason i will make YOU some cookies and pies next time you are in the neighborhood !!...lol
  11. i would say so because the head is bad but the mechanic didn't say anything about getting it milled. he just said the head was bad because it over heated.
  12. the shop had said that everything else should be good but the head
  13. http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z141/zx-6bytch96/96%20honda/IM0008702.jpg http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z141/zx-6bytch96/96%20honda/IM000872.jpg http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z141/zx-6bytch96/96%20honda/IM000871.jpg http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z141/zx-6bytch96/96%20honda/IM000874.jpg http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z141/zx-6bytch96/96%20honda/IM000876.jpg http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z141/zx-6bytch96/96%20honda/IM000877.jpg http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z141/zx-6bytch96/96%20honda/IM000878.jpg
  14. ding fries are done would you like a frosty with that ?..lol anyways i have pics, if you want them email me
  15. i will have pics sometime tmrw. for you
  16. it has 50k on motor and 179k on the car. it is the big v-tech w/out pollution control stuff. it is and automatic
  17. well i had called around for a motor price used and it was like 750 dollars.
  18. the shop said the head was bad because they had over heated it the but everything else should be good. pics will be taken and posted by sunday
  19. well a mechanic had told me that the head is bad. and i was told it was the big v-tech.and it has 179 k milage
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