Just come to the Cleveland IMS show with us. You can pre-pay for events and pay for your license for next season. Usually a pretty good time, and get to see some people from OR, check out new bikes, etc.
Which excuse is that? You are old? Or fat? You really aren't going to know what to do once paul finishes my new bodywork and you won't have the duct tape to make fun of....sorry not all of us have boring flat black paint jobs:rolleyes:
That would be stellar, also keep in mind the majority of the MS crowd is from the cleveland area, so they are closer to going to grattan than us. If you could get a weekend event at Mid Ohio though that would be great. Either way I am all for adding more tracks if possible...except maybe Gingerman....
The seller is wrong, that is an F4, probably a 2000. Has F4 on the side fairings and a banana seat. F4i for 2001-2003 had the split seat, then they screwed up and went back to the banana seat in 2004+
I posted this on facebook the other day but figured some of you on here would like it. It is funny and true at the same time. http://youtu.be/-mAUQYn6DjM