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Everything posted by NinjaNick

  1. I was at 12's house Sunday hanging out and this thing is so small and so effective. His knowledge and skill with programming and electronics is amazing. Dude built his own freaking lab and I was amazed! Looked liked I walked into a big companies lab. 12 is definitely dedicated to what he does and takes great pride in his work. Kudos!
  2. Because it's not directed towards a specific object. It has many meanings. Also, I thought dh was your husbands name, but from your last post I realize it isn't. What does "dh" mean?
  3. My Aunt recently wanted to take up riding last year. During the MSF course on a Rebel250, she slammed into the building wall and broke her foot. She decided that riding wasn't in her skills. Some people just don't have the required skills to be on 2 wheels or any piece of machinery. Simple fact that some refuse to realize. I'm just glad my Aunt was smart enough to realize that. She tried though.
  4. Geesh my last post above I just said "fucking" 3x in a small little post. What is that about?
  5. ^^Yep, I don't want to hear music on my bike. Plus I hear fucking music all day long. I want some fucking ride time w/out that fucking shit.
  6. They've always been called sportbikes, because that's what they are. CrotchRocket was a retarded term developed by a non-rider or a hater in general. That term is like calling a Corvette an ASSROCKET instead of a sportscar. You see what I'm getting at? The politically correct term is a sportbike. It's all good, we'll let you slide this time..:cool: Oh also, for the record, I'd love to have a cruiser too. The fastest possible to stretch my legs on and cruise around town on.
  7. It was in an old thread so it didn't catch my attention where you posted it. Once a thread gets really old, I ignore any new posts in it..lol
  8. Poor kid had to experience dying 2x! I hope somebody cuts the bitch to death or they finally let her kill herself like she's been trying to do. Her life is a waste of air.
  9. CrotchRocket = nono...lol Sportbike = YES! That CR term is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. You seem like a woman with a good head on her shoulders Socal. My wife doesn't ride, but she is always a nervous wreck when I'm out on my bike and gets very pissed if I forget to text her or call her mid ride or when I get to where I'm going.
  10. Saw that yesterday pulling into my neighborhood from the main road Sam. Exactly like you described but no skirt. I called him a squid as I drove past him in case he didn't know.
  11. Justin, this should be the only important bike night after it starts. This bikenight is an official Ohio-Riders event. TB, QS&L, etc, are lame. This would be the one to go to if you go to any.
  12. That means you haven't found one you truly like, or you enjoy wasting money.
  13. That is the only CBR I've ever wanted. That bike has always had a spot in my heart. SEXIEST CBR ever produced. Also, you're pretty young, and it seems you're balling out of control. Live at home? Got a hook up on a great career and they gave you the job? ...help me out here.
  14. Too much money! You'll never truly enjoy the fruits of your labor with forever debt silly wabbit.
  15. I forgot about that! I love doing that! you can create the best corner known to man in a huge, clean, open parking lot. You can get as low as you want doing that.
  16. Maybe you need to be a counselor instead of an engineer!
  17. I was like...WTF man, what did I do? I knew it was you though. Check your status now. I gotcha back.
  18. I like that to MJ, but I don't need to be babied about it. I like to be left alone most of the time unless you're going to make me laugh or something.
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