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Everything posted by NinjaNick

  1. See I was right! Lizard confirmed it for me. :
  2. Only thing I thought of was the R&B song that was big when I was in H.S back in 1995. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq_EfpGAH4o&feature=PlayList&p=CB8174360F5F6576&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=3
  3. Give her some toilet paper!
  4. I find it strange though because "brownsuga" is from Columbus it says.
  5. Dayton will fuck you up like that mentally. It's something they've been trying to cure for years now.
  6. Kruelhouse just moved from Dayton about 2 years ago probably. I've ridden with him a few times in Dayton. He's a great dude.
  7. Why thank you sir. OOOOOh!!! BUUUUURN!!
  8. Good idea. Dustin will be manning a sign up sheet so we make sure everyone is accounted for.
  9. My wife grew up in those. A/F brat.
  10. Dustin will no longer be joining group rides. He said he don't want friends anymore.
  11. ^^yep. Also Hondajt, when someone passes a car or something, the whole group can't follow. I wouldn't sanction this as an official OhioRiders event either. This is just friends riding together and inviting anyone that wants to come. Just relax, show up and ride. This isn't a charity ride to where someone won't pass a car if they're slowing us up and we won't have police escort..haha. This is just a ride to enjoy and see some new roads for the ones that never been on them.
  12. I never owned one. I thought they blew back then...lol I was strictly NES console only.
  13. With this many people, it will be impossible to know if everyone has caught up. Nobody knows everyone so we need people to get familar with who we are riding near so that way if something happens, someone will know. Cool? So everyone be social and don't stand around like a hermit when we meet up. We all talk on here so don't be freakin shy when you're around all of us. Man up!
  14. ^^ funny JJ. I think we'll all be alright because nobody will ever be alone with that many people. I just know if everybody knew these roads they'd know it would be impossible to stay completely together. There will always be someone with sight distance though and we will have a few pit-stops along the way too. It'll be fun. Just ride your own ride and enjoy the day. Don't worry about what others are doing. WRILLO - I think having a passenger may be a bad idea man. Have you ridden down by Ft.Ancient before? If not, you're going to be surprised with some butt pucker factor. Those turns aren't to be messed with. You'll be able to tell from the scars on the road. Your passenger might not enjoy it.
  15. Flounder fixed www.weather.com for us now!!! It now says 54 degrees!!! Thanks Flounder! P.S, it is so cool to have an employee of weather.com on the site. I knew he'd see this and make things right. Cool. Very cool indeed. Here's to you Flounder!
  16. I'll give you something to hold, but it's not my hand.
  17. Yep! Ashton and the crew just rolled out on me. Damn this is some crazy shit!
  18. We're suppose to hit high 60's today too. go to www.weather.com and enter your zipcode! They're fucked up right now! It says 29 here now.
  19. Whew! I haven't been outside yet today and was freaking! Damn weather.com screwed me all up. I have them set as my home page with my zipcode and my local weather is the 1st thing I see when I click the internet.
  20. Yes Magley, we know of the units. F is always set unless you purposely change it to celcius. The 28 and 27 we speak of us Farenheit.
  21. So www.weather.com is doing that in your zipcode too Ananda??
  22. That's going to be the price for having such a huge group on a back road ride, instead of a highway ride. There's many tight turns on some roads. We're all adults though and don't need our hands held, so if someone gets lost all they'd have to do is either try to catch up or if they want, turn around and go back the other direction and they'll be fine. We'll be in the countryside starting from Xenia/Beavercreek and ending down in Morrow, and then heading back up where we started.
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