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Everything posted by NinjaNick

  1. Boring, but a time killer http://wolfrivercam.com/
  2. NinjaNick


    Shmuckgirl - that is one odd looking grammar cat.
  3. NinjaNick

    No caption

    That girl is HOT! You can just tell. You don't even know man, you don't even know.
  4. I think you mentioned something about your tailbone in an earlier post. I'm not sure.
  5. Mine was a Camaro. I had to swerve hard and fast. I got right on her window, I could touch her, and rev'd the piss out of my bike.
  6. I overslept. I'm calling you Hondajt!
  7. NinjaNick


    I don't think it's important. Who cares it's the internet/texting world. Only time something like that bothers me is when it's WRITTEN on PAPER! Formal writing is when it matters. I can make my brain fully function outside of the norms of formal writing and translate what others are trying to convey with their posts and not flip out over it. Formal writing is the only time it matters. Other than that, you need to revaluate your anger issues over stuff that isn't important. If that stuff upsets you this much, I'd hate to see you with issues that really are important. Damn!
  8. Yeah, are you further north than xtremef4i? How far IS north of Dayton? There's so many possibilities.
  9. ^^^Exactly. Riders aren't important. WHY? Because all that have power don't have the ability to operate a bike with coordination and don't ride, so they don't give a shit. We're in that sentence they say a lot..."Oh there's one of them biker people." <---like we're some genetic mutation or something.
  10. Well, now you know what it's like and luckily got your cherry busted with light damage. <---Just a way of saying to smile now, it's over, and be glad you're just fine. Many happy decades ahead man...many.
  11. I wish we had motorcycle safety commercials like they do overseas here in the USA playing a lot during the warm seasons. The USA doesn't worry about bike riders. We're expendable it seems to everyone. Once you're on a 2 wheel machine on the road you're no longer a normal human being that has the right to life as others in cars.
  12. Glad you're ok Cdubya! I doubt they'll catch the SUV though. Looks like he/she will be getting away with it with no plate #. Because there are many of the same SUV's on the road. What a prick though. I hope they need someone sometime and nobody is around to help them. That would be some karma for them. Also, your bike is gorgeous! I hope it looks like it never happened soon, again. Heal fast for the summer is upon us man.
  13. Glad your ok thomez. I figured the keys would hurt in the pocket. I thought about that a few years back and decided to never take my keys anywhere with me. Looks like I've been proven right. I always thought they'd get impaled in my leg though and that was my fear.
  14. How are you posting online?
  15. I say CURB STOMP them. They won't bother you anymore. Well, they won't be bothering anyone anymore after that...lol.
  16. I never ride to work because it's nothing great for me to ride across town for 4-5 miles only, so I don't do it anymore. I did once back in 2004 and a stupid fucker tried to sit on it and I ripped into him verbally and he knew I wasn't playing around. He looked like he was going to fucking cry, damn pussy. After that I ignored his existence because I just knew how stupid he really was because of him trying to sit on my bike. After that, I realized that I don't need to ride it to work anymore. I normally only use my bikes for rides or going to someones house, not to let it sit in public. The public that doesn't ride are so ignorant it just pisses me off. Also, I hate going into work and being asked if I rode this past weekend. Or constantly being asked every fucking gawddamn day, "did you get your bike out today?". Seriously? Why the fuck does it matter to you? You ask me the same fucking shit every fucking summer day for the past couple years! Get a new opening line already to talk to me or just shut the fuck up! Because honestly I'd rather you not talk to me at all if all you're going to do is talk about bikes when you don't even ride one! Sorry for the rant.
  17. I wear spandex top and biker shorts, with wrist band and head band.
  18. I thought MattKatz up above was going to buy it for $4g? Cash
  19. Hope you're ok jermattak! Post up when you're home and able.
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