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Everything posted by Hoopers

  1. lol viper you crack me up!!!! Its like you have never met anyone that comes in here from TSBR this has NOTHIGN to do with my post.. but your icons are flippin HILLARIOUS.. sonny we need some of these on TSBR!!!!
  2. Hoopers

    I met SATAN !!

    i still feel horrible about accidently spillin my drink all over your arm carie wooohooo what i AWSOME 1st impression!
  3. LOL columbus is a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG drive for me... its 5 hours to get there... umm maybe ill meet up with you guys in the summer in toledo.. LOL
  4. haha thats sonnys theme song ... <ducking>
  5. Hoopers

    I met SATAN !!

    hhahahah @ TSBR joke.... Thats funny.. i kept tellin ya carie to go ahead and do it while we were bowling.... LOL... shoulda done it.. your woulda been like.. OMG ..!!!!
  6. Rob you know you luv me.. dont be hatin...
  7. Hey all.. just thought i would sign up after meeting Satan and Cbrgrl lastnight in toledo.. had a GREAT time hanging with you two... Lil info bout me.. My name is shannon, im from Davison Mi. ( near Flint, Mi) i currently dont have a bike right now. I had a 1993 CBR600F2.. but due to things... i had to sell it Now and then i take out my buddies ZX10R.. thank goodness for friend or else id be going nuts not able to ride. Welp thats about it for now... =)
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